Best of the Internet
Get viral tweets, the most popular memes, awesome TikToks, and the best of everything else the internet has to offer!

"Generation Beta" Is Officially Here — And Of Course, Gen Z Is Already (Hilariously) Roasting Them Online
Gen Beta, I would like to apologize in advance...

I Just Spent The Past 15 Minutes With My Jaw On The Floor After Seeing All These Fascinating Pictures And Now I Need You To See Them
Amazing, amazing stuff.

These 16 Hilarious Internet Fails Made Me Laugh So Hard I Forgot It Was Already 2025
Stalin? Is that you?

Here Are 20 Mind-Bogglingly Unhinged Things Boomers Felt Were "Necessary" To Post On Social Media
Let's welcome some new inmates to "Facebook Jail..."

I Think I Just Laughed The Monday Blues Away, Thanks To These Hilarious Job Tweets From Last Week
The teacher's Close Friends story...OMG.

Millennials Are Sharing Their Sleeping Habits, And I Can't Believe How Many People Simply "Rawdog" Sleep
"I have a toddler; I’ve been rawdogging sleep for years now. It’s not quality sleep, but I pass right out."

Millennials Are Sharing Why They're Fed Up With "Tablet Kids," And I Couldn't Agree More
"Seriously. You are basically setting them up to be f****** zombies."

People Are Sharing Something That Is An Automatic "I Am Not Eating Here, We Need To Leave" At A Restaurant
"Gordon Ramsay is filming inside."

Women Are Sharing Things That Dads Always Get Wrong While Raising Daughters, And All Men Should Take Notes
"Even if she knows she is safe with you, it is still scary and lowers her self-esteem."

People Who Got Revenge Are Sharing Their Wildest Stories, And I Gasped At Some Of These
"I rubbed his pillowcases on my bootyhole before he picked up his stuff, and he got a terrible case of pinkeye."

People Are Sharing The Heartbreaking Reasons Why Their Friendship Ended With Someone
Friendship breakups are the WORST.

People Are Sharing Sayings And Phrases That Are Riddled With Red Flags
If your gut says it's suspicious, it probably is.

20 Phrases You'd Only Understand If You're A Millennial, And Now I Officially Feel Old
A time before GPS? Yes, yes there was.

Millennials Are Sharing Specific Gen Z Traits, Behaviors, And Trends That They Find Seriously Confusing, And Suddenly I Feel Old
"One of my students said this the other day and asked if I knew what it meant. I had to explain to her that my generation invented it."

27 Funny Tweets From The Week Because We All Need To Start Our New Year Off With Some Laughs
"smashmouth was so right, the years really do start coming and they don’t stop coming" —@alyssaleann

Women Over 30 Are Sharing The Grossest "Compliment" A Man Has Ever Given To Them, And I'm Gagging
"You have the most beautiful eye color — it reminds me of diarrhea."

People Are Sharing Their Best Relationship Advice That We Should All Be Taking Notes On
"There are peaks and valleys in relationships. Don't give up until it's only valleys."

My Lungs Are Physically Sore From Laughing So Hard At This Week's 24 Hilarious Black Tweets
"Been saying 'That part' around this old white man on the job. He agreed with something and said 'That’s the part'"

The 38 Most Brutal Things People Said "Boomers Love" In 2024 That Are Funny Because They're True
And that's why we love 'yall...sometimes.

27 Influencers From This Year Who Proved Why Everyone's Getting A *Little* Sick Of Influencer Culture
"Can you make a ring for free? I'm an influencer."

89 Ridiculously Dumb Things People Posted Online This Year That Honestly Have Me Thinking The Internet Was A Mistake
"I'm using my WiFi to watch TV. No internet involved."

16 Photos That'll Have Your Rage-O-Meter Hitting The Roof
Rumor has it that Bruce Banner became "The Hulk" after seeing these photos.

54 Things People Posted Online This Month That Are Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Funnier Than They Should Be
"Santa can give me a bag of coal. It's gonna go straight on my hookah."

People Are Sharing Subtle Signs That Someone Is Very Intelligent, And BRB As I Take Some Notes On These
"When you see it, it's very impressive."

25 Positively Chilling Moments When People's Sixth Sense Told Them That Something Was Terribly, Terribly Wrong
"He walked away with scratches... I probably would have been dead if I had gone with him."

I'm Dying Laughing At All These Bosses Who Got Absolutely Roasted Into Complete And Total Oblivion
Let's be honest: they had it comin'.

Frequent Flyers Are Sharing "Airport Life Hacks" That'll Save You So Much Time, Money, And Patience
"Missing your flight because you don't realize how far away your gate is will be a mistake you only make once, but better not to make at all."

Professional Chefs Are Sharing The One Ingredient They Can't Live Without (And Why), And This Changes Everything
One ingredient can really make or break a dish.

Home Cooks Are Sharing The "Already-Prepared" Foods That Are Way Better And Cheaper Than If You Made Them Yourself, And It’s So Helpful
A full tummy and wallet? Say less.

"Honestly, It Was Barely Funny": People Are Recalling The Most Overrated Trends From 2024, And Listen, They May Have A Point On Some
"One group of people thinks it’s the answer to everything, and the other group of people thinks it’s our doom."

99 Utterly Wild Photos Of The Human Body From 2024 That Had Me Literally Gaping At My Screen
I'm now terrified to ever have a baby after seeing how hard they kick.

People Are Sharing The Ways You Can Tell If Someone Has Been Through Some Serious Sh*t, And Some Of These Are Actually Pretty Unexpected
"They’ll tell a horrifying story and then be confused about why nobody’s laughing."

42 Tweets From Women In 2024 That Made Me, A Fellow Woman, Laugh So Hard I Legit Struggled To Breathe
"my ex was not attractive enough for me to have all this trauma"—@certifiedbkl

People Couldn't Figure Out The Shape Of Their Cookie Cutters, And The Internet Hilariously Helped Out
Could you please pass the "octopus who's up to something" cookies?

"I Found Out Later That He Had To Throw Them All Out": Here Are 17 Stories From Petty Exes Who Are Living That #Noregrets Life
"I like to think that spending hours looking for the source of the noise drove them nuts..."

"He Was Stalking Me For Months": 18 Harrowing Stories Of People Escaping Death That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine
"I felt dumb for years afterward, but now I realize that whatever I did to survive was the correct thing to do."

75 People Who Woke Up One Morning This Year And Promptly Destroyed Their Entire Lives
Welp, 2024 could've been worse.

25 People Who Didn't Realize They Failed Until It Was Already Too Late
It's giving "Graphic design is my passion!!!" energy.

I Just Learned That Some Swiss Commuters Literally Jump Into A River And Float To Work, And I'm Amazed
Getting to commute by floating down a scenic river might be the one thing that makes it worthwhile to go into an office.

38 Horrible In-Laws That Have Me Swearing Off Marriage Forever
"My future mother-in-law has made arrangements to have her vows renewed at our destination wedding. On the same day. Two hours prior to our ceremony. At the same location. Because...wait for it...she wants the day to be special for her also."

"Its Eyes Felt Human": 24 People Shared The Creepy, Terrifying Experiences That Almost Changed Their Lives Forever
"It was a long time ago. Not long enough for me to forget that sound, though."

These 42 Funny Tweets From The Last 48 Hours Are Legitimately Getting Me Through The Holidays
It wouldn't be Christmas without nearly freezing to death in your parent's house.

Ho-Ho-Ho, I Can't Stop Laughing At The 16 Funniest Signs Of The Week
May these signs give you the strength to survive the holidays.

22 People Who Made Biiiig Messes At Work, Like, One Person Burned Down The Whole Building
"I looked at the bill and noticed it said 'movie prop' on it. She somehow missed it."

50 Extremely Rare "Before And After" Historical Pictures That Will Completely And Totally Change Your Perspective On The World
So much has changed so quickly.

18 Of The Funniest, Wildest, Or Most Unfiltered Things People Actually Posted On Facebook In 2024
"I have likely been cloned. Please do not accept any friend requests from me."

49 Facts I Learned This Year That — Surprisingly — Like, A Lot Of People Don't Know
🚨CAUTION: do not read this post unless you want a big, genius brain!! ❌

101 Of The Creepiest Photos I Found (And Perhaps Shouldn't Have Seen) On The Internet In 2024
These photos have already been haunting my dreams, but now they'll be haunting our dreams! <3

"It’s Okay To Be Alone": Here Are 17 Lifelong Regrets Older Adults Carry With Them To This Day
"It's okay to believe in something that moves you away from the people in your life."

22 People Who Went To The Airport And Had The Absolute Worst Time Of Their Life
If someone started playing their guitar on a flight, I would take it and smash it to smithereens.

15 Hilarious Internet Fails That Made Me Laugh So Hard I Shed A Single Tear
There's nothing wrong with buying Christmas gifts for yourself.... Right?

I Need My Inhaler After Laughing At These 36 Funny Tweets From The Week
"this year felt like being awake during surgery"

My Day Was Dark And Depressing Until I Saw These 15 Hysterical Photos
Laughter is one hell of a drug.

"Weaponized Incompetence": This Woman Is Wondering If She's An A**Hole For Just Doing All The Chores Herself
"This is a classic example - when someone does a job so badly that their partner doesn’t want 'help' because it’s just making things worse."

I Can't Stop Wheeze-Laughing At The 24 Funniest Tweets By Women This Week
"it is so crazy how many hours are actually in a day when u wake up before 11:30 am…………do people know about this"—@ULTRAGLOSS

20 Things That — To Be Completely Honest — I Feel Like I Wasn't Supposed To See
Yeah, I'm gonna be thinking about some of these for a whiiiiiile. 👀

Christmas Karens Will Hate These 38 Photos, But The Rest Of Us Will Laugh Until We Gasp
Definitive proof that everyone loses their mind a little on Christmas.

Okay, I Can't Stop Laughing At These Extremely Petty People Who Got Even In Literally The Best Way Possible
Don't just get even... get petty.

People Are Calling Out "Glamorized" Things In Society That Are Actually Toxic, And It's Spot-On
"Hustle culture is toxic. I get some wild responses when I tell people I work under 40 hours a week and am thriving. Life should be more than work, even if I love my job."

30 People Who Found Or Received THE Most Disturbing Notes, And Yeah, I'm Out
"You were SO easy to find, Mark, you should drive more carefully."

14 Eye-Opening Confessions From A Black Man Who Was Adopted By A White Family
"I'm Black, but I was adopted by white people at birth. Ask me anything."

I Just Want To Know Why People Thought These Incredibly Weird Things Were Totally Normal In The Early 2000s
Honestly, maybe you just had to be there.

50 Incredibly Heartwarming Pictures From 2024 That Make Me Grin Like A Big, Dumb Idiot No Matter How Many Times I've Seen Them
You need this... you really do.

58 Hilarious Tweets That Would Only Make Sense In 2024
Holding space for all of these posts.

35 People Who Totally Crushed Christmas, Making Santa Himself Look Like An Amateur
Meanwhile, I don't even have a tree.

58 Ridiculously Funny Photos People Couldn't Post Online Fast Enough In 2024
2024 may not have seemed like a very funny year, but these photos beg to differ.

19 Absolutely Unhinged Amazon Product Reviews That Made Me Laugh So Hard My Abs Are Sore
"Not as big as I thought but I'm female and have been lied to all my life about the size of stuff."

Women Are Sharing The Unfair Expectations Society Places On Them That People Refuse To Talk About, And As A Fellow Woman, I Feel Seen, Heard, And Understood
"No one would ever expect a man to stand there and be shamed like that."

Former Inmates Are Holding Nothing Back About What Christmas Is Like In Jail
"I said I was feeling down because I had too many Christmases in prison. He said, 'I hear that,' and then added, 'This is my 25th year.'"

People Are Spilling The Tea On "Bad" Habits That Low-Key Contribute To A Better Life, And We Are Very, Very Here For It
If you need me, I'll be over here shaking my leg.

29 Hysterical Things I Saw Online This Month That I Think Of Every Time I Need A Good Laugh
"I looked back during doggy and he waved."

28 Unforgivable Things Target Employees Absolutely Hate That Customers Do And 8 Things They Absolutely Love
Honestly, these are really good to know.

People Are Designing Their Own Unhinged Christmas Sweaters And I Honestly Wish I Could Buy ALL OF THEM
I dare you to wear these to your office party...

21 Very, Very, Very Dark And Tragic Things I Just Learned About That Melted My Brain
"Cheer up, at least you've caught the bad guy."

21 Poor Souls Who Woke Up One Morning Over The Last Week And Promptly Destroyed Their Entire Lives
Regrets... I've had a few.

Here Are 15 Of The Most Ridiculous, Mind-Boggling Images That Circulated The Internet This Week
The year may be ending soon, but the confusing perspectives are not.

People Are Revealing Verrrry Subtle Things That Reveal A Lot About Someone, And It's Fascinating
"Just travel with someone, and you will learn everything you'd ever need to know about whether they are a good person."

These 19 People Thought They Were Starting A Great Day Until They Were Reminded Life's Just One Big Comedy Show
Because life's just a big ol' joke sometimes.

I'm Dying Of Laughter At These 57 Hysterical Things People Posted On Gay Twitter This Year
"'Top if it gets there.' Um, it's going there, babe."

People Are Sharing The Adult Versions Of Finding Out Santa Doesn't Exist, And Some Of These Hurt My Soul
Ignorance really is bliss.

I Research Dark Facts For A Living, And These 43 Are Some Of The Most Disturbing I Came Across This Year
If 2024 wasn't scary enough for you already, it will be now!

40 People Who 2024 Has Been So, So, So, So, So, So, So, So Cruel To
If I found a mouse eating my breakfast, I would just go back to sleep.

Everyone Is Acting Like An A-Hole Lately, So Here Are 50 Photos Of Absolutely Infuriating People
Did we write an entire post for folks who hate people? Why yes, we did.

This Extremely Simple Math Problem Is Going Viral
This is pretty much my limit when it comes to mathematics.

"I Do Not Recommend This Lifestyle At All": Former Employees Are Revealing The "Fun" Careers That Are Actually HELL On Earth
"It’s a brutal industry that ultimately exchanges your physical and mental health for extremely low wages."

I Can't Stop Laughing At These Hilarious Screenshots Of People Who Gave No F's
"Oh, they definitely knew..." —You reading this post.

36 Holiday Season Fails That Are As Funny As They Are Sad
"Nothing like driving 30 minutes to see the holiday train with the kids!" *Another train immediately blocks it*

I Can't Stop Laughing At These 36 Christmas Fails That Fell Upon These Poor, Poor Souls
"Nothing like driving 30 minutes to see the holiday train with the kids!" *Another train immediately blocks it*

This Woman Got Mansplained To And Is Wondering If She's The A**Hole For Telling Him That He Was Referencing Her Research
"Just one more situation where a woman is supposed to ignore her competence and soothe the ego of an overly sensitive man."