"Generation Beta" Is Officially Here — And Of Course, Gen Z Is Already (Hilariously) Roasting Them Online
Gen Beta, I would like to apologize in advance...
Gen Beta, I would like to apologize in advance...
"They were in a storage unit. They got stolen and sold for parts. They were never seen again. They don't exist."
Let's welcome some new inmates to "Facebook Jail..."
"I like to think that spending hours looking for the source of the noise drove them nuts..."
"It's okay to believe in something that moves you away from the people in your life."
"No one would ever expect a man to stand there and be shamed like that."
Less merry, more scary...
Let's journey back to a time when MTV actually played music videos...
"It’s a brutal industry that ultimately exchanges your physical and mental health for extremely low wages."
"I could understand if we’d badgered her for a selfie or stopped her for pointless chitchat, but literally, all we did was notice her walking..."
"I wish we were the kind of people who could divorce and stay friends. We weren’t, and I regret that my actions hurt him."
"It’s a brutal industry that ultimately exchanges your physical and mental health for extremely low wages."
Let's journey back to a time when MTV actually played music videos...
"I like to think that spending hours looking for the source of the noise drove them nuts..."
"We had to call the police to have him removed while he was still screaming that we ruined the tournament by allowing a hurricane to blow through."
Let's welcome some new inmates to "Facebook Jail..."
"It turns out that they were not only employees — but also related..."
Your frontal lobe will thank you...