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If You Love The Feeling Of Sitting In A Clean, Organized Home, Start Off 2025 With These 54 Things

From one neat freak to another...this sink polish is going to change your cleaning game this year.

1. A durable honeycomb drawer insert, because it's borderline impossible to keep those sock and undie drawers organized, even if you're the most Type A human. These neat little compartments are designed to corral your socks, scarves, ties, undies, etc. in style, because a more organized drawer = a drawer that can hold more.

The pieces just *snap* together for easy assembly, and the design expands to fit whatever size drawer you have.

Promising review: "Okay, admittedly, I am a bit of an organization freak. I purchased two of these organizers (yes, you do need two PER drawer) to organize my underwear drawer. I agree that $20 seems like a lot to pay for a few pieces of plastic to organize a drawer no one else really sees, but...It's totally worth it. The gratification I got from being able to see exactly what I had, neatly organized, easy to find...Wow. I definitely recommend this product. And the actual dividers are well made and super easy to assemble. As a previous reviewer said, the number of times you will look at your drawer and be totally satisfied makes the price well worth it." —Brigette

Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

2. A pack of duster sponges, because the Scrub Daddy Damp Duster seems to be constantly sold out, and these are totally similar, for less! Just dampen, and wipe whatever surface needs dusting — all the dust (and even pet hair!) will accumulate on the ridged surface. Just rinse clean and you're done!

I bought a pack of these and love dusting with them! All the dust sticks right on, so you don't end up breathing in all the dust you just tried removing. They're great for baseboards, too!

Promising review: "I rarely review products, but this little sponge literally changed my life! It picks up EVERYthing in one swipe! Hard water marks on your bathroom mirror, no problem! Hair clippings on your sink and counter, one swipe and they are gone! Dusty blinds? Swoosh, swoosh, swipe! And ala-presto ka-bam, like magic they are perfect and dust free! I just need one of these for my floors! I love, love, love how the sponge picks up everything and with a little running water, all the dust, hair, muck and guck just rinsed away! This will not disappoint! Thank you!" —DayDreamer

Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in five color packs).

3. A set of glass jars with bamboo lids and included labels so you can star in your very own restocking TikTok — even if it's just pretend. Plus they'll look so neat and organized in your bathroom or on your vanity, and you won't have to rifle through your medicine cabinet next time you need a cotton swab.

The set of 12 labels include six blank ones so you can write your own, and six pre-written with various bathroom needs (Cotton Balls, Cotton Swabs, Cotton Pads, Hair Ties, Floss Picks, Bath Salt).

Promising review: "These are actually cuter than I expected! They are a tad smaller than some I've seen, but they actually looked great and can hold plenty of cotton swabs and cotton balls in the spare bathrooms. I have mine on a serving tray with a candle and vase, and they look great without taking up too much space!" —tara savage

Get the set of four jars from Amazon for $9.99.

4. Bioclean, a hard water stain remover for everyone who is just tired of trying to clean those cloudy glass shower doors, spot-covered fixtures, tile and grout, and more. It even works on pools! If you're not convinced, just hear from one reviewer: "Step one: Look at the pictures. Step two: Buy a lifetime supply immediately." 

A reviewer's hand obscured behind a cloudy spot-covered glass shower door
The same shower door with reviewer hand, but the door is completely clear and clean

Promising review: "Wow. Don’t waste your time with any other formulation that you found online. I’ve literally tried EVERYTHING! The soap/vinegar/baking soda, the expensive store bought 'hard water cleaners.' I’ve scrubbed for HOURS! But this…. This product is like magic. It’s kind of like a paste that you can rub on with a microfiber towel and the hard water stains literally just RUB OFF. Like butter! Seriously the easiest option I have tried yet. I stopped within the first five minutes of cleaning to do this review because I’m in shock lol. Coming from someone who never writes reviews! Take that as a sign to buy this immediately. What a game changer, I’m mad I’m just now finding this stuff lol!" —_kayla_carter

Get it from Amazon for $17.77.

5. And for your car, aka an extension of your home: a foaming carpet shampoo people love to use on their car interiors. And with all the ice cream cones I've dribbled in my life, I can CERTAINLY understand why. And anyone with a dog? Yep, you need this.

It's citrus scented so after it FOAMS AWAY deep-set stains, you'll be left with a refreshing scent rather than "Old McDonald's Fries."

Promising review: "Sorcery. The old possible explanation. I would’ve been happy if this stuff worked half as well as the reviews made it seem. But holy cow, this fabric cleaner is ~ i n c r e d i b l e ~. I bought a '93 jeep recently and the inside was pretty gross (check out the photos). The fabric upholstery looked like someone’s Pepsi had exploded everywhere, with dark drippy stains and spots all over the seats. After using this cleaner with a drillbrush, these seats looks amazing! It takes some work to really get in there and work a lather, but hooboy is it worth it. Check out the before and after photos! I’m so pumped. This stuff is great! Definitely a lifelong customer now." —S. Wheeler

Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

6. And a vacuum cleaner designed just for your car, because your ride deserves to be as crumb-free as your home. This lil' guy plugs into your 12V outlets and sucks up all of the dirt, dead leaf particles, McDonalds french fry salt, and all the other detritus accumulating on the floors and seats — it has three attachments for detailing in alllll the nooks and crannies.

Kit includes: three attachments (flathead, extendable, and brush), carry bag, filter brush, and spare HEPA filter.

Promising review: "This is one of the best purchases we've made in a while. two kids + snacks in a minivan = lots of crumbs. We were taking our van to the car wash twice a week to vacuum it, but this little vacuum has changed that. The cord is very long, the suction is pretty strong and it comes with attachments that make cleaning up goldfish crumbs a breeze." —Anaiz Mendez

Get it from Amazon for $37.99+ (available in two colors and with or without a cord). 

7. A retro acrylic beauty organizer *with a lid* if you hate the messy look of open storage solutions (that also make it much harder to dust!). This'll look gorgeous sitting out on your bathroom counter or vanity while neatly organizing all your fave skincare and makeup products.

Green organizer with textured material and gold detailing stocked with skincare products

I have this organizer and I love it! It holds a good amount of stuff, keeps the dust at bay, and looks much neater than my old organizer, which just had slots with no lid. Because I regularly try a ton of beauty products, I paired it with a set of stacking drawers from another seller, which aren't a perfect match for the shade of green, but look good together on my vanity!

Promising review: "Product arrived quickly and was well packaged. I love how this organizes my beauty products so it’s not all out in the open on my counter anymore. The glass brush holder is the best part, it looks so expensive! Highly satisfied with this purchase!" —SGD1978

Get the set, which comes with the larger organizer and a smaller organizer for brushes, from Amazon for $51.99 (also available without the brush organizer for $46.99; available in six colors).

8. A reusable microfiber Swiffer mop pad if you'd like to cut down your use of disposable mopping pads...without cutting down on the efficacy of your clean. Reviewers actually think these pick up more than the disposable ones (especially pet hair and crumbs), and clean up easily right in the washing machine!

Promising review: "I bought these for the same reasons most do — to be more environmentally friendly. I like the size of my Swiffer Sweeper, but always felt like I wasn't getting my floors fully clean. We recently got a new apartment, and I always like to deep clean before we do any major moving. I used them dry and wet. I've always been disappointed with how the disposable pads from Swiffer (barely) picked up dog fur and crumbs, but as you can see in the picture it picked up so much! This was already after using a traditional broom. Then using them wet with diluted Mrs. Meyers cleaning concentrate — wow! The water was BLACK by the time I was all done with our downstairs area. They were so easy to Velcro on and off, wet or dry. Once I was all done, getting them off and doing a quick rinse wasn't hard at all. I love that I am supporting a small family business with all the convenience of Amazon. I will definitely buy again (if I ever have to). I am so excited to use these for years to come and have a cleaner house than I ever have before!!" —Kathryn Willer

Get a two-pack from Amazon for $13.95.

Psst — if you don't already have one, you can get a standard Swiffer on Amazon for $18.44

9. Dawn Powerwash, a borderline magical spray-on dish soap that BLASTS through tough grease and baked-on messes with ease. But it's not just for dishes — if you have a greasy range hood or backsplash, or you want to deep clean your cooktop or grill, this is *perfect* for that too, cutting through the toughest messes!

a brand image showing regular dish soap not cutting through a pan's mess, but powerwash leaving a clean stripe behind

Just spray on (don't add water until you rinse!) and wipe. I'm not joking when I say that the first time I used Dawn Powerwash on a lasagna pan, I almost cried. I will never be without it!

Promising review: "This stuff is the bomb! I can't say enough good about this product. I got my stove top as clean as it was when new — the area around the burners had been impossible for me to get clean before. I also cleaned the inside glass window of the oven with minimal effort. Seriously, this stuff is amazing IMO." —Kim M.

Promising review: "The only dish soap allowed in my household 😅 jk I have used other different types, and this is the only one that has worked amazing in all my cleaning. Not only do I use it on my dishes but to clean my bathroom, husband's grill, and everything else that needs a good cleaning." —Lizbeth LF

Get the starter kit (with one reusable spray bottle and one refill) from Amazon for $8.44.

10. A set of Rubbermaid Brilliance containers to streamline your food storage cabinet once and for all. Once you try them, you'll be ruined for your old containers. They're completely clear, shatter- and stain-resistant (no lingering tomato sauce stains!), leakproof, and have built-in venting lids to make mess-free reheating (no microwave splatters!) a breeze.

the stack of 10 clear containers with different foods in each
the container filled with blue liquid, on its side, showing how it doesn't leak

And they're microwave-, freezer-, and dishwasher-safe, too. These are my very favorite containers — I got the