When creating onscreen magic, there's bound to be a few mistakes — an overlooked Starbucks cup on an ancient set, endless continuity errors and in the case of 2003 Pixar fave, Finding Nemo, forgetting which country a pivotal part of the film is set in. Let us explain.

The run of the mill Finding Nemo rewatch consists of quoting Bruce the great white shark's iconic line, "Fish are friends, not food", obsessing over Pearl (AKA the cutest octopus ever animated) and unconsciously singing "Just Keep Swimming", post-viewing. It's a comfort movie and you usually wouldn't think twice about the finer details, but, alas some people do!
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Reddit user u/Fancy-Advice-2793 spotted a boo boo and took it to the r/AskAnAustralian subreddit to ask, "Why did the Australian fish tank in Finding Nemo measure the temperature in Fahrenheit even though in real life we use Celsius?". Naturally, the Aussies entered the chat, armed with answers (and questions), including:
1. "Why did all the tank gang have American accents?"
2. "How did they know where Australia is?"
It all bubbled down to one main reason: "[Finding Nemo] is an American movie and they didn't do their homework."
Apparently, this hypothesis also justified the colour choice for the pelicans in the film, which were brown and white. Users were quick to point out that this is uncommon in "Oceanic settings" as pelicans in Australia are usually black and white.
But at the end of the day it's also important to remember, "[Finding Nemo] has vegetarian sharks in it." That's when we should've known there was something amiss, it's a movie made for children after all.
What other mistakes have you spotted in your favourite comfort movies?
Share them down in the comments below.