
32 Kitchen Gadgets That Make Cooking So Efficient You’ll Think, ”Am I A Chef Now?"
There's a microwave bacon cooker in here that can perfectly cook one whole pound, pan-free.

"It Will Really Help The Budget And Diet": 23 New Habits Frugal People Are Starting For 2025
"Strongly urge you to do this. I’ve found it was the most important thing I did to turn my finances around."

Restaurant Owners Are Sharing The Rudest Things Food Influencers Have Done And Wow, Some Of These Are Wild
For starters, cool it with the ring lights.

Which "Moana" Character Are You Based On Your Taco Bell Order?
Let's see if you're as silly as Hei Hei!

If You Cook In A Teeny, Tiny Kitchen, You’ll Adore These 25 Multitaskers
Take it from someone with one accessible kitchen drawer, a small stove top, and no dishwasher.

People Are Sharing Something That Is An Automatic "I Am Not Eating Here, We Need To Leave" At A Restaurant
"Gordon Ramsay is filming inside."

"It Often Has The Biggest Markup On The Menu": Restaurant And Fast Food Workers Are Spilling Insider Secrets That Customers Would Probably Never Guess
"I'm an Olive Garden employee. Anything labeled as 'endless' is truly endless, so some people stuff themselves until they are literally sick. All the employees hated the never-ending pasta bowl promotion because people would literally throw up at the table and keep eating."

Doctors Are Sharing The "I Can't Believe I Need To Explain This To You" Convos They've Had With Adults, And I Can't Believe These Are Actually Real
"Had to tell a patient that they were not pregnant. The patient was male."

34 Kitchen Products That Are Just Too Cheap And Fun To Pass Up
The daisy cleaning brush is so cute, it might just make you look forward to cleaning dishes.

Pick Your Most-Liked TV Shows And We'll Accurately Guess Your Favorite Type Of Food
I hope you're hungry for... TV!!!

46 Handy Kitchen Items That Are Eternally Useful, So You’ll Never Regret Buying ‘Em
A lot of things in life will come and go, but this wildly helpful magnetized air fryer cheat sheet and wooden bread "bow" knife are forever.

Choose 10 Soups At Random To Determine You Destined Soulmate's Initial
Broccoli and cheese (specifically in a bread bowl) is my soup soulmate!

Everyone Has A Favorite Type Of Bagel, And I Guarantee We Can Guess Yours Based On Your Trip To NYC
Onion bagels are so underrated!

Choose Between These Starbucks And Dunkin' Items
You either love or hate Starbucks. There's no in-between

17 Discontinued Fast Food Items We Desperately Want Back On The Menu
I hope you're hungry for nostalgia!

I'm A Food Editor Who Cooks And Rates Hundreds Of Recipes A Year. These 11 Will Make Your Life Easier And Tastier
Each year, I track and rate every single new recipe I try — and what started as a fun hobby has turned into a super useful Rolodex of go-to meals. Here are some of my all-time favorites for every type of craving.

44 Things That’ll Prove You Don’t Need To Renovate Your Whole Kitchen To Make It Look Nicer
No need to watch instructional YouTube videos on how to tile a backsplash. Unless you just want to.

Enjoy An Asian Buffet And We'll Guess If You're More Neat Or Messy
I hope you're hungry!

Isn't It ~Freaky~ How We Can Guess Your Favorite Potato Dish Based On Your Favorite TV Shows?
Nothin' beats potato chips!

"The Ultimate Minimal-Effort Meal": 31 Recipes To Jumpstart Your New Year, From Set-It-And-Forget-It Stews To Batched Breakfasts
If you, like me, have resolved to cook more in 2025, a little daily recipe inspiration is just what you need.

27 Kitchen Gadgets That’ll Make Cooking Easier For You In 2025
If you're making 2025 eat-at-home goals, consider adding a self-stirring multi-cooker, soup cubes, and a retro toaster to your kitchen lineup.

I Can Guess Your Eye Color Based On The Ice Cream Flavors You Pick
Wow, you've got some beautiful eyes...

Travel Around Europe And We'll Guess If You Prefer Sweet Or Savory Foods
I looooooove a salty moment!

"It Tastes Like Nothing And Feels Like Wax In Your Mouth": People Are Sharing Unpopular Food Opinions, And I'm Curious If You Agree With Any Of Them
"Pickles are disgusting. I hate when restaurants sneak them into a plate so my sandwich or fries are suddenly sitting in salty, green sludge."

"It's Just Not Worth The Risk": Food Safety Pros Are Revealing The Common Foods They Always Avoid When Shopping For Groceries
"It's just not worth the risk."

"I Did A No-Spend Year": 48 Ways Frugal People Saved Serious Money In 2024
These are so smart.

10 Foods You Should Never Cook On A Grill, According To Experts
Beware of grilling fish!

My 14-Year-Old Made A Decision That Should Have Delighted Me. Instead, I Found Myself Grieving.
"When I looked into the eyes of a young boy sincerely trying to use what little autonomy he had in the world, I didn’t have it in me to say, 'Too bad, kid. You get what you get.'"

The Hidden Dangers Of Starting Your Day With A Cup Of Coffee On An Empty Stomach
Experts discuss whether having caffeine first thing in the morning without food is actually harmful to your health.

The Dinnertime Habit Doctors Say Is Secretly Making You Tired The Next Day
Want to improve your energy levels? Experts agree there's a seemingly harmless behavior you should nix.

If You're Boarding A Flight Soon, Flight Attendants Say These Are The 9 Things You Should Not Do
Crew members have a unique perspective when it comes to traveling on a plane.

People Send Death Threats When They Find Out About My Dog Meat Farm. Here's What They're Missing.
"In the U.S., the mere idea of eating dogs is so provocative, it is at best unbelievable and at worst horrifying. But most of us think nothing of eating other animals."

"It's Not Made To Be Good — It's Made To Be Cheap And Consistent": People Are Sharing Specific Things About "American Life" They Want Others To Know About
"I went to college with a guy from Germany, and this confused him quite a bit when he first got here."

32 Kitchen Products Your Taste Buds Will Thank You For In 2025
Everything you need to have a new year full of DIY pickled mangoes, dessert coated in Thin Mint seasoning, and the iconic Ghost Pepper Chicken Noodle Soup 👻️🔥.

20 Things That Are Completely Commonplace In Europe, Yet Nonexistant Or Unusual In The US
"This is considered by many to be a European luxury. Yet in the US, It's simply a necessity for a happy and fulfilling life."

"I Was Bored After Six Hours": People Are Sharing The Travel Destinations That Fell Short Of Their Expectations (Or Surpassed Them Immensely)
"IMO, it's probably the most underrated travel destination on the planet. It's home to every kind of landscape you could hope to visit."

These 41 Discontinued Foods Have Vanished From Our Pantries, But Never From Our Hearts
"I loved them for breakfast before heading to school. The 'Yummy Berry' flavor is the one I still remember."

"ICE" Is One Of The Rudest Dining Habits Ever, And You Might Be Doing It
This is what happens when a one-upper comes to the table.

Professional Chefs Are Sharing The One Ingredient They Can't Live Without (And Why), And This Changes Everything
One ingredient can really make or break a dish.

Home Cooks Are Sharing The "Already-Prepared" Foods That Are Way Better And Cheaper Than If You Made Them Yourself, And It’s So Helpful
A full tummy and wallet? Say less.

Eat ONLY Desserts And I'll Give You A Personalized Resolution
Get ready to make the best of the year!

"Honestly, It Was Barely Funny": People Are Recalling The Most Overrated Trends From 2024, And Listen, They May Have A Point On Some
"One group of people thinks it’s the answer to everything, and the other group of people thinks it’s our doom."

35 Quirky Kitchen Products That You’ll Actually Use A *Ton* In 2025
Waffles are always delicious, but it turns out they're even yummier in the shape of buildable Legos.

People Couldn't Figure Out The Shape Of Their Cookie Cutters, And The Internet Hilariously Helped Out
Could you please pass the "octopus who's up to something" cookies?

28 Products That Will Make You Feel Like You Have A Brand New Kitchen For 2022
New year, new kitchen.

Listen, I'm Not Calling You Uncultured, But If You Can't Get At Least 50% On This Global Dessert Quiz...Well...
There's more out there than chocolate chip cookies and apple pie!

"My German Friends Couldn't Hide Their Disgust": People Are Sharing Things That Are Totally Normal To Americans That Are Actually Bizarre To The Rest Of The World
"It's honestly such a wild American concept."

42 Very American Pictures That Confused The Absolute Heck Out Of Europeans In 2024
There really is a special kind of beauty in a Walmart parking lot sunset I feel only Americans could appreciate.

75 People Who Woke Up One Morning This Year And Promptly Destroyed Their Entire Lives
Welp, 2024 could've been worse.

31 Kitchen Products Reviewers Say They Use “Almost Daily”
An efficient product you can use every single day = priceless.

If You Dream Of A Spotless Kitchen, These 30 Things Can Help Make It Happen
Even for the inside of your Keurig machine.

"Nine Times Out Of Ten, It Looks Tacky": Interior Designers Are Sharing Their Honest Takes About 2025 Home Decor Trends
One of these forecasted decor “trends" was unanimously vetoed by every expert we spoke with…

31 Things To Help You Achieve The Cutest Kitchen Ever In 2025
Whether your style leans kitschy or minimalist, you've got options.

After Trump Said He Might Not Be Able To Lower Grocery Prices, These 19 People Got Real About How They're Managing The Rising Costs
"I've started stealing... I'm not very good at it, but once I get caught and locked up, they will probably have to feed me. Win-win."

Order Some Coffee To Determine What 2025 Has In Store For You
Your coffee order says a lot more than you think!

I'm Not Calling You Dumb, But This "Jeopardy" Food Quiz Isn't Rocket Science, So It's A Little Embarrassing If You Can't Pass It
There's book smart...and then there's food smart.

"It's Been Years Since I've Seen It On A Menu": 21 Once-Popular Foods From The '80s And '90s That Have Silently Vanished From Restaurants Everywhere
"You used to be able to get it all over or buy it frozen, but now I can't find it anywhere."

99% Of People Use Their Hands To Eat These Foods — Do You Use A Fork?
Some of y'all are a little wild with your cutlery!!!

How Being A Hooters Waitress Helped Make Me A Feminist Activist
"At least the men there would have to pay me to smile at their shit."

Food Safety Experts Reveal The 4 Ingredients They Would Never, Ever Order When Out To Eat
We're sorry in advance.

Eat Some Desserts And I'll Determine If You're Bitter Or Sweet
I love chocolate!

The "Best Coffee Maker I Have Ever Owned" Is Less Than $200 And Worth Every Penny
Even baristas are impressed by the "genius invention" on this coffee machine.

Indulge In A Night Of Relaxation And Discover Which Comfort Food Captures Your Essence
Nothing beats a cozy night at home. From the snacks to the vibes, your choices can tell us a lot about you.

38 Ridiculously Effective Kitchen Products Under $25 To Add To Your 2025 Cooking Routine
No promises this post won't give you the urge to stop what you're doing and make a delicious meal.

These Are The Things Restaurant Servers Notice About You Right Away When You're Dining Out
Let's just say they can tell a lot about the dynamics at your table.

"The Security Line Went Dead Quiet": People Are Revealing The Absolutely Worst Experience They've Ever Had With An Airport Security Agent, And I'm Speechless
"I finally had enough and demanded a supervisor be called."

21 Food Sins From Different Cuisines That You Should Never, Ever Commit
"My husband, born and raised in NYC, ate his pizza this way in Rome. The looks of horror he got from locals were legendary!"