
People Are Sharing The One Thing They Did "Just To Be Safe" That Ended Up Changing Everything
"Even at my physical just a month prior, the doctor hadn't noticed anything. I'm forever thankful that I mentioned it."

22 Reasons Gen Z Men Are Growing More Conservative According To Their Female Peers, And Honestly, Some Of These Are Spot On
"My male friends believed wholeheartedly that Democrats were going to send them to war. So, they voted for Trump. Even though they thought he wasn't a good person."

I Have Been Lying To My Grown Children For Years. Here's What They Don't Know About My Life.
"Would my daughters really want to know what goes on when they aren’t around — the challenges I face every day and all that I go through?"

Doctors Are Sharing The "I Can't Believe I Need To Explain This To You" Convos They've Had With Adults, And I Can't Believe These Are Actually Real
"Had to tell a patient that they were not pregnant. The patient was male."

People Are Sharing All The Things They Assumed Were "Normal" Before They Got Mental Health Help
"I thought it was normal to not remember your childhood."

This Is What Life Is Really Like When You Weigh Over 400 Pounds
"My body size is not going to change in any significant way. However, my life, and the lives of other fat people, could change. If only the world would accept that bodies come in a variety of sizes, our lives could be so much better."

My Husband Sent Me A Seemingly Innocent Text. It Led Me To Discover He'd Been Cheating For Years.
"That moment four years ago set off what would become the most excruciatingly painful next few months of my life."

24 Therapist Bombshells That Might Completely Change Your Outlook On Life Right Now
"'You didn't deserve that.' It was so simple, yet something I hadn't heard before."

I Left My House Intending To Jump To My Death. These Are The Words I Needed To Hear Back Then.
"I remember wondering, how long will it take to hit the ground? Three seconds? Four?"

This Is The Biggest Early Warning Sign Of Dementia That Most People Completely Miss
Neurologists reveal the biggest early symptom of the disease and what you can do about it.

Medical Professionals Are Sharing 20 Patients Who Turned Out To Be Correct About Wild Self-Diagnoses
"We had a patient who came in insisting that her neighbor was poisoning her. Everyone dismissed her."

Therapists Are Identifying What Oldest Siblings Talk About The Most In Their Sessions, And Honestly It's A Bit Heartbreaking
From struggles with perfectionism to feelings of imposter syndrome, here's what oldest children need help with.

I Suffered Through An Excruciating Medical Procedure. I Was Furious When I Discovered The Truth About It.
"I don’t think I stopped shaking in anger for days. I became obsessed with understanding and solving this mystery. How did this happen to me?"

This Woman Shocked The Internet By Revealing "Postpartum Stink" Is A Thing, So Experts Are Explaining Why This Happens To New Moms
"You prepared me, and I was still unprepared when it happened."

Let Your Voice Be Heard. Tell Us Your Opinions!
BuzzFeed uses polls to learn what’s important to our audience. Answer as many questions as you like and keep coming back for more!

If You're Doing This During Your REM Cycle, Chances Are You Should Be Seeing A Doctor — Here's Why
Experts reveal symptoms that strike during nighttime rest and what those signs might mean for your health.

Older Adults Are Revealing The "Hard Truths" About Aging That No One Prepared Them For, And As A Millennial, I Was Shocked To Hear Some Of These
"That voice inside your head doesn't change, but what you see in the mirror does."

To Minimize Dementia Risk, Doctors Say To Steer Clear Of These 3 Things
Dementia isn't entirely within your control, but addressing these specific habits can help.

The Rudest Things You Can Do At The Doctor's Office
If you've done any of the things on this list, doctors just may think you're rude...

If Your Poop Looks Like This, It's Time To See A Doctor
Experts explain what types of stools aren't normal and how to tell if something unusual could be a sign of a more serious problem.

Kale Miso Salad
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Some Countries Have Banned Lace Underwear So We Spoke To Experts To Find Out How Dangerous Wearing Them Really Is
To get to the bottom of whether lace undergarments are so bad for us, we consulted doctors who specialize in vaginal health.

If You're Still Using Dryer Sheets When You Do Laundry, Experts Are Begging You To Stop
Dryer sheets aren’t just a waste of money; they’re wasteful, too.

My Mom Said One Word On Her Deathbed That Made Me Look At My Life In A Way I Never Had Before
"I let the word wash over me. I wanted Mom to know I’d heard her, and I repeated back the same word. When I said it, I felt as if I was signing a contract between us."

This Uncommon Laundry Routine Could Indicate ADHD, According To Experts
If you keep clothes in a pile on the floor or draped over a chair for many days on end, you might have what some call a “floordrobe.”

People Over 40 Share The Crucial Life Lessons They Wish They'd Known In Their Early 30s
Nothing like hearing it from those who have been through it.

Older Adults Are Sharing The 22 Little Things They Loved About Their Bodies As They Aged, And Everyone Struggling With Aging Needs To Read This
"I like my body much more than I did when I was younger, even though I've put on some weight since then. I learned not to beat myself up about not being super thin — it took a while, but I'm much happier now."

5 Things You Should Do First Thing In The Morning To Be Happier All Day
If you roll out of bed feeling tired or stressed, these a.m. habits can help you turn your mood around.

16 Jaw-Dropping Ways People's Lives Have Changed For Better (or Worse) Since The Pandemic Started
"It was honestly the best thing I could have done for myself."

25 Eye-Opening Confessions From A Trauma Therapist That Changed The Way I Think About Mental Health
"Ask me anything. Whether it’s about how trauma sneaks in, why we fall into patterns we hate, or how healing is possible, I’m here to answer."

People Send Death Threats When They Find Out About My Dog Meat Farm. Here's What They're Missing.
"In the U.S., the mere idea of eating dogs is so provocative, it is at best unbelievable and at worst horrifying. But most of us think nothing of eating other animals."

I Look White To Many. I’m Black. This Is What White People Say To Me.
"I’m tired of weighing, each time, whether I am going to say something in response to these hateful statements — because I must continue to advocate for what is right — or if I am going to walk away because I’m just too damn tired."
![Woman with long hair in a patterned blouse speaking. Subtitle reads: "[That] actually can sabotage your brain health and lead to premature brain aging."](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2024-12/18/20/tmp/1807c8937c0f/tmp-name-2-616-1734554184-3_dblbig.jpg)
6 Seemingly "Harmless" Habits That Are Prematurely Aging Your Brain
These behaviors might not appear a big deal, but they could hurt your brain health in the long run.

I Told My Mom I Hire Sex Workers And Her Response Changed Our Relationship
"It was a Tuesday evening and my mom and I were in the middle of one of our daily chats on the phone. I don’t remember what we were talking about ― it was something totally inconsequential ― and suddenly, I just went for it and blurted out, 'You know mom, I hire sex workers.'"

Doctors Reveal The 7 Things You Should Absolutely Never Do In Order To Prevent Strokes
Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. But there are ways you can lower your risk.

I’ve Been Married For 19 Years And I’ve Never Slept With My Husband
"Allow me to answer your questions upfront: no, we are not celibate, and yes, I suspect you don’t fully believe me."

"Back Then Was A Simpler Chaos": People Are Sharing The Things They Miss Most About The '90s And 2000s
"I think the best analogy is that the different parts of your life used to be like a department store with most things in their species places, but now it’s more of a messy thrift store where it’s all mixed up."

It Took Me 7 Years To Bury My Husband. Here's What I Learned About Grief During That Time.
"I have no real memory of the months after his passing.... I’d 'wake' to find myself at the grocery store holding a box of his favorite cereal with no idea how I got there."

"Dead Butt Syndrome" Is A Real Thing — Here's How To Tell If You Have It
If you sit most of the day, there's a solid chance you have this.

Here Are 6 Things You Should Do At Night To Be Happier The Next Morning, According To Experts
These small changes in the evening will help boost your mood the next day.

Whether You Wear Underwear To Bed Or Sleep Commando, Doctors Say You Might Want To Rethink It — Here's Why
People have strong opinions on the "underwear vs. commando" argument when it comes to how we sleep. Here's what the experts have to say.

"I Didn't Buy It, I Live It": Retired Adults Are Sharing The Very Best Things They've Gotten For Themselves For Life Post-Work, And I'm A Little Jealous
"I'm 71, single, and comfortably retired with my dog; I recently realized that I have some extra cash (low five figures) in the bank, and I'd like to buy myself something nice."

12 Mindless Habits That Are Secretly Exhausting You
Feeling tired no matter how much rest you get? These behaviors you probably do every day could be to blame.

"Intelligent People Get Really Charged Up When They Do This": People Are Revealing "Telltale Signs" They Notice Right Away That Indicate Someone Is Very, Very, Very Smart
"The boys were snickering about her presence as if it was a scheduling mistake or that girls were not capable of understanding the subject."

I Befriended A Man On Death Row. Here's What He Taught Me Before He Was Put To Death.
"A few days before his execution, Brandon’s family visited him for the last time. After the visit, Brandon told me there was a hole in the pane of glass. I naively said, 'Oh, so you were able to hold hands?' He explained it was an air hole to speak through, not large enough for hands, 'But,' he said, 'I could smell my mom.'"

"I Regret This Decision Every Day": People Are Sharing The Things They Are Absolutely Leaving Behind In 2024
"I’m leaving behind toxic family drama and toxic people. You can only put up with so much negativity."

When My Husband Survived Brain Cancer, His Doctor Made 1 Suggestion. It Ended Up Changing My Life Instead.
"Two weeks before Christmas, I found my husband, Ted, lying on the ground of our brand-new home... unable to move."

"No One Talks About How Hard It Really Is To Do This": Women Over 30 Are Revealing The "Hard Thing" They Did This Year, And I Have Tears In My Eyes
"I feel restless if I don’t go at least twice a week now."

"It Will Quickly Become Apparent": Massage Therapists Are Revealing The Surprising Things They Know About Clients After Only One Session
There’s a lot they can tell about you, from your occupation to your stress levels — and even serious health conditions.

According To Therapists, These 7 Things Can Seriously Affect Your Overall Happiness
Experts agree that eliminating these habits can lead to a more joy-filled life.

"People Don't Understand How Dangerous It Can Be" — 19 Seemingly Safe But Actually Dangerous Things People Do All The Time
"Most tourists don't understand how dangerous it can be."

"I Just Turned 40, And Some Friends Still Think It's Ok": 15 Everyday Habits And Behaviors Older Adults Will No Longer Tolerate Like They Did In Their 20s
"Cooking and cooking for holidays. Too exhausting. Yes, I like my food better. So do they. Let them cook it."

Podiatrists Are Sharing The Mistakes You Need To Avoid If You Care About Things Like, IDK, Walking
A few lifestyle habits can make or break your feet.

How Being A Hooters Waitress Helped Make Me A Feminist Activist
"At least the men there would have to pay me to smile at their shit."

Therapists Are Revealing The Signs That You're Actually Too Independent
Hyper-independence can often stem from experiences of trauma, such as having unreliable caregivers as a child.

I'm An Ethical Pimp. Here's What A Typical Day Is Like For Me And The Women I Employ.
"When my daughter asks me what we do at my work, I explain it to her in words she can understand: 'Ladies do dress-up and give kisses and cuddles to men and make lots of money.'"

My Best Friend Stopped Speaking To Me One Day Out Of The Blue. It's The Hardest Thing I've Ever Gone Through.
"It’s been two years, and I still think about it all the time."

Older Millennials Are Sharing Simple Life Tips That Young Gen Z'ers Should Pay Attention To If They Want To Thrive In Their 20s And 30s
"Protect yourself early. That's when the damage starts."

I'm An Adult Who Is Constantly Mistaken For A 12-Year-Old. This Is What My Life Is Like.
"I've repeatedly been mistaken for my date’s child and regularly asked if I'm old enough to sit in an airplane’s exit row."

We Asked Cardiologists To Share The One Food They Would Never Eat, And Some Of The Answers Might Surprise You
Yes, bacon is on the list. Sorry.

"Why Am I Paying For Insurance When They're Going To F— Me Over": 23 People Shared The Most Outrageous Medical Bills They Ever Received
"I have stage 4C medullary thyroid cancer. I max out my maximum out of pocket every year."

Experts Say You Don't Actually *Need* To Wash This Part Of Your Body In The Shower, And We Have To Know If You Agree With This Or Not
Here's what a doctor had to say when asked the internet's most controversial showering questions.

I Don’t Compliment People On Weight Loss, And Here's Why You Shouldn’t Either
"How are we to champion body positivity and inclusivity if we continue to celebrate weight loss? We can’t."

19 Things That Older People Seriously Regret Have From Their Younger Years
"I spent all of my 20s doing this. Before I knew it, I had turned 30. And then I stopped doing it all together."

Women Are Sharing The Things That Have Made Them Feel Safer In Public, And I'm Writing These Down ASAP
"By doing this, you won't have a guy approaching you, mistaking your friendly smile as hitting on them."

"It's NOT An Emergency." Doctors And Nurses Are Calling Out The Medical "Lies" You Should Stop Believing, And It's Eye-Opening
"When you have an IV site, there isn't a needle in your arm. There is a tiny, flexible, plastic catheter, and it's not going to tear through your veins and skin if you bend your elbow."

People Are Sharing The "Harmless" Habits That Changed Their Bodies Forever
"My body and mind are broken."

"I Blocked Her On All Platforms The Next Morning": 18 People Who Cut Their "Best Friend" Out Of Their Life After A Devastating Betrayal
"We were best friends for 17 years. I ended that friendship, deleted their number, and deleted them off my social media accounts."

We Spoke To A Colorectal Cancer Doctor Who Shared 5 Things We Should All Stop Doing Immediately
Cases of colorectal cancer have been rapidly increasing among young adults, so we spoke to a doctor to get some helpful tips.

Dementia Experts Shared The 7 Things They Would Never Do, And We're Taking Notes
There are habits you should and shouldn't practice in order to keep your brain sharp.

It Took Years To Find A Doctor Who Finally Agreed To Give Me A Vasectomy. Here's Why.
"After listening to my reasons, my doctor told me that he wouldn’t help me pursue sterilization, on the grounds that I was too young to make a decision that would affect the rest of my life (unlike, for instance, joining the military or taking out student loans)."

I Attended The Premiere Of The First Pacific Islander Cirque Du Soleil Show, And As A Samoan, I Can't Get Enough
The show opens with 'the Trickster,' who is returning to his homeland after being away from his Hawaiian roots for far too long.

"The Police Said They Couldn’t Do Anything Unless The Situation Escalated": Women Are Sharing 16 Times The Police Didn't Take Them Seriously After Receiving Threats
"A man would wait for me at my parking spot and follow me home, getting increasingly threatening as I declined his (adult) advances. Eventually, he threatened to harm me and my family if I didn’t go out with him. When we finally called the police after months of harassment, lying in wait, following, and threats of violence — they said no crime had been committed."