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    32 Home Products That’ll Fix The Problems You’re Not Quite Sure How To Solve

    Like being plagued by a million bajillion cords.

    1. A KitchenAid attachment organizer that'll hold all the add-ons you've purchased for your stand mixer. Take advantage of vertical space and store them under your cabinets and within reach!

    The attachments and organizer hanging from a cabinet
    3D Home Solution / Etsy

    3D Home Solution is a small biz based in Frisco, Texas that makes really genius home organizers.

    Promising review: "Just what I didn’t know I needed! My attachments didn’t have a good home. The whisk is too fat for my drawers, but I wanted to keep them together and near the mixer, so they just sat on a shelf. Now they have a home, and they’re not blocking the canisters on the shelf!" —Noora

    Get it from 3D Home Solution on Etsy for $11 (available in three colors and two mounting styles).

    2. An electrical outlet cover with a power strip to organize cluttered cords stat. It's also pretty great if you want to push your furniture right up against the wall but can't because your phone charger adapter is in the way.

    Before photo of reviewer's cords preventing them from pushing their bed against the wall next to an after photo of all the cords hidden thanks to the new outlet cover
    Before photo of a reviewer's messy cords in the kitchen and an after photo of the same outlet but all the cords are neatly hidden

    Promising review: "I have an outlet above our mantel that’s meant for a wall-mounted TV. We have a large painting covering it. We wanted to use the plug to power two Wi-Fi speakers on the long mantel. The thinness of the plug is perfect behind the painting. The power strip is hidden by a mantel clock. So, we have our two speakers on either side and no visible wires. This product may not work for every application, but for us, it’s 10 stars." —Chashum

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95+ (available in four lengths and two outlet styles).

    3. A silverware sorter if you cringe every time you open the drawer and see your forks, knives, and spoons spilling out of their tray.

    Promising review: "I bought two of these because I have a disgusting amount of toddler/baby silverware along with regular silverware. Since I put these in, WOW does my drawer look organized and empty. I get compliments all the time." —Melanie slinger

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in two colors and three sizes).

    4. A expanding shower liner so your shower feels less like a 1-by-1-foot box. This genius liner curves away from your body so you feel like you have more space and you're not constantly pushing away a shower curtain that blows toward you.

    Promising review: "Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for! I have a tiny bathroom in a old apartment building with an untreated window that needs to be covered with a shower curtain inside my shower. Every time you'd shower you would be attacked by curtains from both sides. That is until I purchased this curtain. It gives so much more room in the shower like a curved shower rod, but without all that hardware and work associated with it. It's weighted enough so it doesn't move. I'm not longer attacked by my shower curtains. I 100% would purchase again" —Brittany Hopkins

    Get it from Amazon for $44.99 (available in two sizes).

    5. A wall-mounted retractable clothes rack for anyone who lacks a dryer or a lot of extra space. Each rack can hold up to 60 pounds, making it a great drying rack or extra storage for winter clothes in the garage.

    reviewer photo of the arms of the rack pulled down and several empty hangers hanging from them
    same reviewer's photo of the clothes rack with the clothing bar holding several empty hangers

    Promising review: "My new laundry room is fantastic, except the place to hang my shirts was too low. When I found this item, it fit over the window, and my shirts can hang to dry perfectly. It's out of the way, and it went up easily. The perfect solution to my problem." —Rita P Moore

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $33.99 (available in five colors).

    6. A pack of hanging vacuum bags because you can vacuum all the air out *while* your clothes are on the hanger instead of trying to fold and smush them in a regular vacuum bag.

    Reviewer photo of their clothes inside the bags
    The same clothes with all the air sucked out of the bag taking up a tiny fraction of the space

    Promising review: "Love, love, love these hanging bags! I’ve used vacuum bags for years but never even realized hanging bags were a thing. With the first bags, I 'squished' a closet full of dressy outfits, winter coats, and sweaters. They’ve held for months. I was so pleased I ordered more. They’ve all worked great! I live in a home that has small closets and I welcome the extra space these give me." —Debby D. Flower

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in five styles and in larger packs).

    7. Some washing machine cleaning tablets that'll clean and freshen the inside while dissolving residue. You keep your washing machine open when it's not in use, yet it still smells moldy. What gives?

    models hand dropping 1/4c-ish size tablet into washer

    They're safe to use with pretty much any type of washer: HE or regular, top-loading and front-loading.

    Promising review: "I noticed a funny smell in my laundry room and realized it was coming from my washer. I bought these and tried them the same day I got them. Ran the washer on hot and opened the lid midway through to see the washer was full of gunk and debris and things that this cleaner brought up. Once the cycle was done, there was no more smell. My washer was clean. This product is seriously amazing. I wish I found it sooner." —Amazon Customer

    Get six tablets from Amazon for $11.98.

    8. And a pack of dishwasher cleaning tablets to clean your machine as it runs. No need to sigh in frustration every time you open your dirty dishwasher to remove your "clean" dishes.

    A dirty dishwasher with brown stains on the bottom
    The same dishwasher, which is now stain-free after using the tablets

    Promising reviews: "Convenient, easy, quick way to keep the dishwasher fresh and working at peak." —Amazon Customer

    "I rarely post reviews, but this stuff has completely changed our lives. Our dishwasher, utensils, plates, and glasses were covered with dry scales, and nothing we tried came close to helping. After using the tablets three times, our dishwasher looks like new; our glasses are sparkling like fine china, and everything else looks fabulous. Highly recommend, worth every penny, best product BY FAR!!! One great advantage is you can use it with your dishes. Some other products are used to clean the dishwasher but not to clean dishes and glasses. Buy this. You will be blown away!!! It is astounding!" —Jenny

    Get a pack of six tablets from Amazon for $8.99.

    9. A pack of inconspicuous corner guards if you want to prevent your little one, your poor knees, and even your blind senior pooch from any future ouchies caused by bumping into the corner of the coffee table.

    a glass table with a sharp edge
    the clear guard on the corner giving it a rounded edge

    Promising review: "Must-have. I love these. We just moved in with family, and they had a coffee table with super-sharp corners and I have a little one who pulls up on everything and is trying to walk. To say I was on edge is an understatement. My sister-in-law didn’t want an obnoxious baby proof item around her house, but these were so discreet she didn’t even notice that I had installed them. They are so soft that my little one started gumming on them to soothe his gums, LOL. They were super easy to install, stuck on very well and with not much effort, and came with plenty so if I need them I’ll have them handy. Super satisfied! If you’re thinking about getting, them please do!" —Amazon Customer

    Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $8.98.