Tell Us The Food You Love And We Will Tell You How Old You Are... AND How Tall You Are
I hope you're hungry.

Tell Us What You Love About Halloween And This Quiz Will Tell You Which Classic Canadian Halloween Candy You Are
This quiz has lots of tricks, but YOU can only be one treat...

Make A Mug Of Hot Chocolate To Reveal What You're Getting From Santa This Year
You can't get a "Red Ryder Carbine Action 200-shot Range Model Air Rifle"... You'll shoot your eye out kid!

Halloween Is Around The Corner, So Find Out Which Canadian Halloween Candy You Are
This quiz has lots of tricks, but you can only be one treat...

Let's See How Your Canadian Experiences Stack Up Against Other Canadians
To be honest, I've never actually heard someone say "eh" unironically.

You Gotta Decide If You'd Smash Or Pass These Hotties With Or Without A Moustache
Anybody else remember when we all drew moustaches on our pointer fingers?

13 Of The Best Sketches From "The Baroness Von Sketch Show"
"Those are the ex-husband jeans, most people find them disappointing."

Your Tim Hortons Order Will Reveal Your Exact Age
We donut think we'll get this wrong.

14 Funny Tweets From Canada That Are Making Me Howl
"Pizza Pizza is still in business because of their creamy garlic"

These Contestants On "Family Feud Canada" Are Pretty Bad At Sudden Death
"Name Popeye's Favourite Food." – "CHICKENNNN!"

19 Lies You Actually Believed As A Teen
"This isn't a phase! This is who I really am!"

18 Beaver Shots You Definitely Shouldn't View At Work
You've been warned.

If Disney Princesses Were Chad Kroeger
Never Little Mermaid it as a wise man.

16 Unbelievably Rude Texts From Canadian Winter
"I know where you lost that one glove, but I'm not going to tell you where."

18 Reasons Why Parents Can't Stand Caillou
This kid has got to go.

28 Reasons Absolutely Everyone Hates Hamilton, Ontario
No wonder they call it the armpit of Ontario.

Here's A Map Of How Canadians See Other Canadians
Disclaimer: According to stereotypes.

A Canadian Journalist Had No Chill About Being Retweeted By Taylor Swift

Hey Guys, Here's A Kind Canadian Reminder To Not Complain About The Heat
Winter is coming, guys.

Tom Mulcair Is Basically Taylor Doose From "Gilmore Girls" And You Cannot Unsee It
Where you lead in the polls, I will follow.

Dear Canada, It's Time To Let McGosling Go
There is a new royal couple in town.

19 Of The Most Traumatizing Stories About Being Attacked By Canada Geese
"We should start filling our ponds with holy water."

This Is What Happens When You Have The Same Name As A Fired CBC Host
"Day in the life of an accidental Canadian celebrity."

Here's What Happens When Americans Try To Label The Country Of Canada
"Is Toronto a province?"