Prep For A Christmas Movie Night And We'll Confirm Which 'Bluey' Character Is Your Spirit Animal
Bluey saying, "Nice parking spot Rita" has the same energy as the "Thanks a lot, Rachel!" girl. You can't change my mind.

Build Your Dream Sandwich And We'll Reveal Which Generation You Should Have Been Born In
Never trust your mate that orders a wrap at's a trap.

We Can Tell What Generation You're From Based On Your Order At Australian McDonalds
If you think Fillet-O-Fish burgers are gross, you're defs wrong.

We'll Know If You're Aussie, American Or British Based On Your Cafe Preferences
One savoury dish, one sweet treat and a barista coffee = perfect start to the morning.

Let's Play "This Or That" With More Australian Brands
You asked for another round — so here it is.

It's Time To Play "This Or That" With These Iconic Aussie Grocery Choices
Anyone drinking Pasito over Passiona has broken tastebuds.

Which Animated Barbie Are You Most Like?
Barbie movies are cinematic masterpieces and no one can tell me otherwise.

We'll Know If You're From Australia, America Or Britain Based On How You Design Your Dream House
It's wild how much your preference for flooring can reveal.

Which "XO, Kitty" Character Are You?
I already know I'm most like Kitty because I'm a hopeless romantic.

If You've Ever Wanted To Aussie-Fy Your Name — Now's Your Chance
Warning — this is probably going to take up your whole afternoon.

We Know If You're Aussie, British Or American Based On Your Dessert Choices
My dessert stomach is already rumbling.

Make A Pizza And We'll Reveal If You've Got The Tastebuds Of An Australian, American Or Brit
Cheesy-stuffed crust? Your American patriotism is showing.

Your Buffet Choices Will Reveal With 100% Certainty Whether You're Aussie Or American
Get your buffet belly ready!

Tell Us What You Like To Snack On And We'll Know Without A Doubt Whether You're Aussie Or American
Not gonna lie — I'd eat all of these.

Build Your Perfect Subway Sandwich And We'll Guess With 99.9% Accuracy Which Aussie State You're From
Choosing 9-grain wheat bread over the Italian herb and cheese? That gives off major "I'm from Victoria" vibes.

Order From Boost Juice And We'll Reveal, With 100% Accuracy, What Aussie State You're From
Only Queenslanders believe lychee crush > watermelon crush.

AI Knows What Australian State You Live In Simply From The Telltale Signs Of Your Fave Foods
I'll admit it, Victorians have the superior pizza order.

Tell Us If You'd Actually Buy And Eat These Australian Foods
Be serious — nobody actually eats Chiko rolls.

Your Sausage Sandwich Preferences Will Reveal Which Aussie State You're From
Only Western Australians will choose the bread roll option.

This Is The Hardest Australia Vs. The USA Beach Quiz You'll Ever Take
Aussie beaches are better — it's just a fact.

For Research Purposes, I Need To Know Which Of These Aussie Supermarket Snacks You Would Save And Which You Would Trash
I will forever choose the $2 garlic bread from Woolies above everything else.

Answer These Halloween Questions And We'll Reveal With 100% Certainty If You're Aussie Or American
It's ~spooky~ how accurate this quiz is.

Attend An Aussie BBQ And We’ll Tell You What State You're From
*Starts drooling.*

Pick Some Iconic Kids Shows From Your Childhood And We'll Guess If You're Australian Or American
Only Aussies will remember the fever dream that was Round The Twist.

We'll Know Whether You're Aussie Or American Based On How You Plan A Party
🎵 Who's a piss pot through and through? 🎵

Order Hungry Jack's And We'll Tell You Which Aussie State You're From
Side note: HJ's need to bring back the Tendercrisp burger.

The Ultimate Game Of Fast Food Would You Rather, Australian Vs. USA Edition
Same same, but very different.

We Know Whether You're Aussie Or American Based On What Petrol Station Foods Tempt Your Tastebuds
Every Aussie knows it's called a "servo", not a "gas station" 💀.

We Need To Know If You'd "Yuck" Or "Yum" These Iconic Australian Foods
We sure have some polarising foods.

Gorge Yourself At Domino's And We'll Guess With 100% Accuracy What Aussie State You're From
Victorians can't order Domino's without cheesy garlic bread.

44 Australian Wintertime Traits That We Consider Normal But The Rest Of The World Is Perplexed By
Okay, but real talk — why do Aussies brag about not owning a heater??

Gorge Yourself On Guzman Y Gomez And We'll Reveal Which Australian State You're From
Only Queenslanders order the GYG nachos.

Plan A Europe Trip And We'll Guess With 100% Accuracy Which Aussie State You're From
Australians escaping winter for a European summer? Groundbreaking.

We Know If You're From Australia Or The USA Based On How You'd Bake A Cake
Nothing says 'American' quite like an Oreo filling.

Plan A Perfect Saturday In Australia And We'll Know With Complete Accuracy Which State You're In
Boujee brunch or Bunnings snag?

Order Breakfast And We'll Guess With 100% Accuracy What Aussie State You Grew Up In
Raisin toast is 100% a NSW delicacy.

We Can Guess Whether You're Aussie Or American Based On How You Design Your Fake Boyfriend
Your fake boyfriend will be delivered to your door in 5–7 business days.

Tell Us How You'd "Spend A Day With" A Fake Boyfriend And We'll Reveal Your Love Language
Twenty-four hours is all it takes to know what kind of love you love.

We Know Exactly How Old You Are Based On What You Do At Your Local Shopping Centre
Shopping at General Pants is torture for an introvert.

We Know With 100% Accuracy Whether You're Aussie Or American Based On Your Breakfast Order
It's plain un-Australian to not like hash browns.

We Know Which Aussie State You Live In Based On What You Order At The Pub
The temptation to go to the pub after taking this quiz.

Would You Smash Or Pass On These Nostalgic Aussie Kids Show Characters?
Yeah, this is cooked — but it sure is fun.

You Can Only Save One: Discontinued Fast Food Edition
I would give my firstborn child up for a bubblegum McFlurry.

23 Totally 'Normal' Things In Australia That Are Hated By The Rest Of The World
Who knew there was so much debate over the pronunciation of Adidas?!

39 Things That Would Be Different In The Australian Version Of "Twilight"
Say goodbye to that iconic baseball scene because here in Australia we play cricket.

We Know Your Exact Age Based On This A–Z Movie Quiz
"This quiz is HIGHLY accurate!" — my friend, who got their exact age.

Here Are All The Celebrities Who Have Unfollowed James Charles After His Latest Scandal
Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, and the Dolan twins are just some of the big names who have chosen to unfollow.

18 Tweets That Prove That White People Actually Do Have Culture
Oh, white people have no culture? Try again, sweaty.

18 Tweets That Prove Feminists Are Both Funny And Furious
"I feel like Men aren't sending us their best people."

We Need To Talk About This "Coughing" Cat Meme Because It Has Truly Ruined Me
I have literally been thinking about it all day.

Everyone's Personality Matches A "Mean Girls" Character – Here's Yours
Are you more of a Cady Heron or Regina George?

20 Tweets You'll Enjoy If You're Frankly Exhausted By Men
"Why did the mansplainer drown in the puddle? It was a well, actually."

21 Things That Almost All White People Are Guilty Of Saying
The phrase "guilty as charged" is definitely one of them.

27 Super-Weird Things About The USA Every Australian Notices When Visiting
Selling vodka in a Target? I approve.

23 Tweets About Edward And Bella From "Twilight" That'll Make You Piss Yourself
Yes Bella!!! You better go get that deadly vampire dick!!!!

24 Funny Tweets That'll Make You Say "Damn, Maybe Kids ARE The Future"
"Today a woman asked her what her name was and she replied 'Buttcrack'."

21 Funny Tweets To Scroll Through While You're On The Toilet
You're welcome.

Kim Kardashian Told Her Daughter She Got Famous Because Of A TV Show And People Aren't Buying It
"And I was like, 'Oh ok. Ok. I'm going to have to explain this'."

21 "Twilight" Tweets That'll Make You Say "Damn, I Actually Miss This Movie"
It's been nearly 10 years since the first movie came out, and it's time we talked about it again.

22 Funny Tweets To Scroll Through Next Time You're On The Toilet
"Body type: Not bad but DEFINITELY doesn’t know how to say no to soft serve ice cream on a summer night."

19 Photos That Will Make You Sigh Heavily And Ask "Ok... But Why?"
Some people just want to watch the world burn, now don't they?

18 Songs We All Sang Along To As Kids Even Though We Definitely Shouldn't Have
Damn, child me was wild.

Kris Jenner Just Took Over Kylie Cosmetics And People Can't Stop Laughing
Kris. You're doing amazing, sweetie.

Order A Thai Feast And We'll Predict Who You'll Marry
Who knew your choice of spring roll could be so monumental?

25 Tweets To Laugh At When You're On The Commute Home
I can't make any promises though.

23 Tweets That'll Make You Chuckle Softly To Yourself
Perfect for scrolling through while half-watching TV.

Women Have Started Describing Themselves As Male Authors Would And The Results Are Painfully Hilarious
"Wow, she thought, my legs are long. Her breasts jounced their agreement."

23 Tweets That Really Sum Up Being In Your Mid-To-Late Twenties
"Sometimes I'll take a nap to fast-forward a couple of hours I'm too bored to live through."

"A Christmas Prince" Is So Bad It's Good And Here Are The Tweets To Prove It
Quite possibly the best worst Christmas movie ever made.

21 People Who Clapped Back With Such Amazing Force In 2017
It's starting to feel a lot like shade-mas.

Kristen Bell Is Not Thrilled With Her Daughter's Halloween Costume Idea

Blake Lively Just Delivered The Most Epic Burn To Ryan Reynolds For His Birthday
And we all thought Ryan Reynolds was the master.

18 Tweets That Prove Children Are Definitely Smarter Than Adults
"My son got mad at me yesterday and opened all the bananas in the house. What type of passive aggressive monster..."

23 Tweets About Mansplaining That Will Make Women Both Laugh And Sigh
"Mansplaining should be called correctile dysfunction."

23 Things That'll Make You Say "I Thought I Was The Only One"
Don't even try to lie to me.

Who Needs Pinterest, This Costco Wedding Is Seriously Goals
Nothing like hot dogs and sheet cake to celebrate eternal love.

21 Foods That Confused The Shit Out Of You When You Were Younger
Oh, btw, I still stand by half of these being magic.

57 Hilarious Posts About Jon And Dany On "Game Of Thrones" This Season
The night is dark and full of incest jokes.

17 Toys From Your Childhood That Seriously Confused The Shit Out Of You
I don't want to say it was magic, but it was magic.

19 Funny Tumblr Posts That'll Momentarily Make You Forget About The World
Just take a second and forget about the mess.

People Are Really Excited About This "Game Of Thrones" Twist
All aboard this ship. Warning: Contains spoilers.

24 Tweets About Food That'll Make Your Hungry Ass Chuckle Just A Little
Food is love. Food is life.

21 Jokes From Kids TV And Movies That Completely Went Over Your Head
You all have dirty minds.

22 Tweets You'll Laugh At If You Have Any White People In Your Life
Mmmm, sounds about white.

22 Tumblr Posts That Went Downhill Real Quick
"This post is a mess" should really be Tumblr's tagline.

27 Tweets That Will Make Women Piss Themselves Laughing
"If you think women are the weaker sex, try pulling the blankets back to your side."

39 Problems All Girls With Thin Hair Have Gone Through
Going a third day without washing your hair and looking like you've dipped your head in a giant container of olive oil.

22 Food Facts That Are Really Just 100% True
If you don't pull apart the colours on your rainbow straps, don't talk to me.

I Tested 6 Pinterest Microwave Breakfasts And Now I'm Never Using A Stove Again
Honestly, just give me a Food Network show and call it "Microwave Masters".

27 People Who Are The Thinkers Of Their Generation
While the rest of us are stuck in 2017.

24 Times Lesbians Were The Funniest On Tumblr
"Are lesbian mermaids called h2omosexuals?"

22 Tweets Women Will Find True For No Damn Good Reason
I don't know how, but they're all true.

26 Funny Tweets That'll Distract You For A Hot Minute
You can always count on Twitter.

19 Things You Can't Get Away With When You're Tall
Just forget about ever buying anything online.

People Are Freaking Out After Figuring Out What Missy Elliot Was Actually Saying In “Work It"
She really did put her thang down, flip it, and reverse it.

Only People With Perfect Colour Vision Can See These Dicks
Don't balls this up.

100 Disney Memes That Will Keep You Laughing For Hours
Finding meme-o.