"It Will Really Help The Budget And Diet": 23 New Habits Frugal People Are Starting For 2025

    "Strongly urge you to do this. I’ve found it was the most important thing I did to turn my finances around."

    The new year can be a great time to commit to a new habit, so recently, u/riddlestheanswer asked frugal people on Reddit to share how they intend to save money and make their lives more fulfilling in 2025. In response, people shared so many creative, simple, and life-affirming plans for the new year. Here are some of the best replies:

    1. "Using my local library more. I never realized how much my local library has. I can borrow state park passes for one week, get a streaming service, and get free passes to my local children's museum."

    Two people sitting on the floor in a library, smiling and giving a high five, with open books around them

    2. "I'm selling most of the purses sitting in my closet that don't give me joy anymore and investing in half-dead plants at Lowe's to revive and give beauty to my home. I've realized I have a greener thumb than I thought and have been successful at reviving almost every plant I've brought home from the half-dead section."


    "A thought from one plant lover to another: you can buy something like a fair healthy pothos, chop and propogate it, and make yourself many more plants. I bought one $15 pothos a year ago, and it’s grown enough in that time to create two or three additional plants. Pothos are beautiful and grow like grass."


    3. "Well, it’s officially Dry January and my mind is wide open to Dry 2025. I’ve also given up watching the news, which I suspect will make it much easier to save money on the alcohol I won’t be drowning my sorrows in."


    4. "I went through the pantry and freezer to rotate supplies. I keep a shelf in the pantry that I call the inspiration shelf. I check that first and think of meals that would use those items. Right now, I am trying to use three items per week until that shelf is empty. I have a section in the freezer where I do the same thing."

    A person with tattoos reaches for jars on a wooden kitchen shelf, surrounded by plants and kitchen items

    5. "Focusing more on experiences vs. things. My partner and I did not get each other Christmas gifts this year. And instead, we decided to take ballroom dance classes together."


    6. "Looking for a job that pays more."


    7. "Actually tracking my personal spending. I will write out every penny that goes out of my bank account or on a credit card."

    Woman writing in a notebook at a desk, surrounded by documents and plants, conveying a work or financial planning setting

    8. "I got a weekly CSA box delivered to my house this year. With the cost of gas, it's comparable to regular grocery shopping. It forces me to be more creative with cooking. And even though I still have some waste, it's less than before. Also, I'm spending less on groceries because there are fewer impulse buys. For 2025, my goal is to get better at not forgetting I have zucchini in the fridge. And to remember which fruits and veg go bad fastest."


    9. "I really enjoy birding, and I'm challenging myself to see as many birds as I can next year in my county. I'm looking forward to getting more in touch with my local area rather than always aspiring to travel."


    10. "I am focusing on my health and starting the 2025 challenge where I walk 2,025 miles in a year. I am focusing on me this year and it will be glorious (and a first)!!"

    Person wearing headphones and casual outfit walks on a crosswalk, with buildings and trees in the background

    11. "I quit most social media and unsubscribed from all store emails. If I need something, my use habits will tell me. I don’t need someone else to tell me what I need. The mental health benefits of quitting social media are endless."


    12. "Minimizing shopping trips and impulse purchases."


    13. "My goal is to replace every single meal I usually get delivered with one I'll make at home for my family. Probably won't be as good, but will really help the budget and diet."

    Two people cooking together in a home kitchen, stirring a pot and chopping vegetables, symbolizing teamwork and enjoyment in meal preparation

    14. "I make it a goal to find a great book from a little free library in every town I visit. It costs nothing, is interesting, and I have a souvenir."


    "This is my favorite travel hobby. Absolutely recommend."


    15. "Decided a few days ago to stop drinking alcohol altogether. It's not just the money I spend on alcohol; it's the money I'd then spend on a pack of cigarettes, the takeaway food, the feeling like shit for days afterward. Not worth it anymore! Calculated I probably spend between €2000 and €3000 a year on alcohol and alcohol-related purchases."


    16. "I’m going to stop coloring my hair and start embracing the gray — saving money and helping me love my natural self."

    A person with short curly hair is outdoors, smiling, and covering their mouth with one hand, conveying a joyful expression

    17. "I'm listing stuff on eBay and made some sales. In the spring some stuff will get donated if not sold. Makes me feel good to declutter and make back some of my money."


    18. "I am transitioning from podcasts/reels/other short-form dopamine content to audiobooks to force myself to keep making art. This, in turn, keeps me off my phone and pining less for impulse purchases."

    "We also just got a deep freezer, and I will be figuring out bulk cooking/freezing so we stop ordering out so damn much. I’m not the best cook, but having things prepared and ready to reheat will help pare down the decisions made during the workweek as well and maximize time to create."


    19. "Going to get back to doing yoga at home and starting a gratitude journal. Gonna drag out my watercolor paints and actually use them, rather than doomscrolling on my phone endlessly. Working on studying a new language. Eating less meat and more plant-based stuff."

    Person sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat, stretching arms, smiling, in a cozy living room with a couch and plants in the background, symbolizing work-life balance

    20. "Cancelling my TV subscriptions and using my movie theater subscription more."


    21. "I’ve joined two different choirs. Singing as a hobby takes up a decent amount of time (learning the music). During that time, I’m not spending money or scrolling. Plus, I get to be around good humans, and singing makes me feel good."


    22. "I’m expanding my vegetable garden from 84 square feet to over 500. That fits both categories."

    Woman on a balcony tends to plants while seated. She wears a white top and green pants, surrounded by potted greenery

    23. "Doing more outdoorsy activities with friends and hosting more gatherings at home as opposed to going out. Although going out to a bar/restaurant once in a while is nice, we have way more fun when we’re hiking, biking, or camping. Generally, these activities are frugal/no cost, and we love being outdoors. It also helps that my other resolution is to spend less time on screens, so this is good for the body, soul, and my wallet!"


    Do you have a frugal resolution for 2025 that you'd like to share? Or is there something you tried in 2024 that you'd highly recommend? Let's talk about it in the comments!