Calling all parents who need a laugh break, hacks and advice you'll actually use, and the viral stories you'll hear about at the school drop-off. Consider us your go-to playdate friends!

People Are Sharing The One Thing They Did "Just To Be Safe" That Ended Up Changing Everything
"Even at my physical just a month prior, the doctor hadn't noticed anything. I'm forever thankful that I mentioned it."

What Is Your Horror Story From DNA Tests Like 23andMe?
Do you REALLY know your family?

"If Trump Does Half Of What He's Promised, I Will Lose Everything.": 21 Trans Americans And Their Families Share Their Fears For Trump's Second Term
"I know trans people who didn't survive Trump's last term."

"They Came In A Little Worried" – Angelina Jolie Reflects On Working With Her Sons On "Maria"
“Your mother’s vulnerable. She has pain and sadness, but she still is okay, and it’s going to be okay."

Teachers, Tell Me About The Time A Student Hilariously Misunderstood The Assignment
Mistakes can be the best teacher.

"Generation Beta" Is Officially Here — And Of Course, Gen Z Is Already (Hilariously) Roasting Them Online
Gen Beta, I would like to apologize in advance...

After Demi Moore Was Accused Of Snubbing Kylie Jenner At The Golden Globes, Demi’s Daughter Has Leaped To Her Defense
A video of Kylie and Demi’s seemingly awkward moment has gone viral on social media, but Tallulah Willis has hit back at the false narrative surrounding the clip.

People Genuinely Can’t Believe The Seriously Inappropriate Question That Ariana Grande Was Asked On The Golden Globes Red Carpet
“like srsly what was she gonna do if she said no 😭😭😭😭”

"My Daughter's School Banned Water Bottles" – 17 Ridiculous Things That Schools Have Done
"They banned running on the playground during recess."

Experienced Parents Share The Quick (But Important) Advice They'd Give To New Parents
"...knowing you’ll get a full night's sleep the next night makes it much easier to handle."

Millennials Are Sharing Why They're Fed Up With "Tablet Kids," And I Couldn't Agree More
"Seriously. You are basically setting them up to be f****** zombies."

I Have Been Lying To My Grown Children For Years. Here's What They Don't Know About My Life.
"Would my daughters really want to know what goes on when they aren’t around — the challenges I face every day and all that I go through?"

19 Confessions Of The Biggest Lies People Have Ever Gotten Away With
"About 30 years later, I finally came clean to them thinking they would laugh it off. They didn’t."

28 Cringe-Worthy Baby Names That Will Make You Wonder What The Parents Were Actually Thinking
"My dad went to school with a kid named Harry. Unfortunately, his last name was Ball."

Doctors Are Sharing The "I Can't Believe I Need To Explain This To You" Convos They've Had With Adults, And I Can't Believe These Are Actually Real
"Had to tell a patient that they were not pregnant. The patient was male."

31 Little Treats For Parents In The Thick Of It All
If you've had to wipe a butt that's not your own today you deserve a treat.

Women Are Sharing Things That Dads Always Get Wrong While Raising Daughters, And All Men Should Take Notes
"Even if she knows she is safe with you, it is still scary and lowers her self-esteem."

7 Things Children Of Narcissists Bring Up The Most In Therapy
A lack of self-confidence and a fear of rejection and conflict are common problems among children of narcissists.

"I Left The US 15 Years Ago": Expats Are Revealing The "We're Being Scammed" Realizations They Had After Moving Abroad
"When setting up my appointment, I asked about the out-of-pocket cost, and the staff looked at me like I had grown two heads. There was no cost, of course."

I Left My House Intending To Jump To My Death. These Are The Words I Needed To Hear Back Then.
"I remember wondering, how long will it take to hit the ground? Three seconds? Four?"

17 Of Gen Z's Favorite "Older People" Things That Will Make You Laugh And Warm Your Heart
"I loved the wall phone the most. It was my favorite thing in my grandparents' house."

22 Movies That Left A Generation Of Kids Traumatized
The memories...are haunting!!!

16 Eye-Rolling Parenting Tips From Non-Parents
"A coworker who has no children and takes up to five vacations a year told me I need to vacation more than I do. Oh, and that I need to get out more."

Experts Say These Are The 7 Sex Questions Almost Everyone Has But Is Too Embarrassed To Ask
From vibrators to penis size to squirting, these are the topics sex educators say people secretly want to know more about.

Older Adults Are Sharing Guilty Pleasures From Their Childhood They Refuse To Let Go
"I am 50 and still have the teddy bear my Grandma gave me when I was six months old."

Millennials Are Sharing Specific Gen Z Traits, Behaviors, And Trends That They Find Seriously Confusing, And Suddenly I Feel Old
"One of my students said this the other day and asked if I knew what it meant. I had to explain to her that my generation invented it."

"I Am Never Going Back" — 19 Stories From Parents About Raising Children Abroad That Will Make You Evaluate Your Own Parenting Style
"Americans, something you don't understand is our biggest [cultural] difference: class."

HR Reps And Hiring Managers, Tell Us What Would Make An Applicant For A Job Stand Out In 2025
Tell us what makes a résumé go right to the top of your "yes" pile — and what makes you say "nope" right away.

Here’s Why People Are “Emotional” After Seeing Kim Kardashian’s Resurfaced Letter To Her Future Self For 2025
“When it comes to how you'll feel about your body, remember to be kind to yourself and enjoy how you look now because you're not getting any younger.”

If You’re About To Become A Parent, Here Are 40 Products You Might Want To Know About
Excuse me while I wax on about my love for my formula-dispensing machine.

This Is Apparently Why Angelina Jolie Won’t Tell “Public Stories” About Brad Pitt — Despite Their Kids Allegedly Wanting Her To “Defend Herself” Amid Their Divorce
Angelina filed for divorce from Brad way back in 2016 following an alleged altercation on a private jet involving the couple and their six children.

Former Teachers Are Sharing The "Final Straw" That Made Them Quit, And Oh My God, They Really Do Need To Be Paid More
"I’m making a bigger difference than I ever made in the classroom, I'm keeping my sanity, and I’m much happier."

People Are Sharing The Truly Unforgivable Things Their Parents Have Done To Them, And Some Of These Are Rough
"They were on vacation so nobody showed up for me."

I'm A Food Editor Who Cooks And Rates Hundreds Of Recipes A Year. These 11 Will Make Your Life Easier And Tastier
Each year, I track and rate every single new recipe I try — and what started as a fun hobby has turned into a super useful Rolodex of go-to meals. Here are some of my all-time favorites for every type of craving.

I Got A DM About The Man I Was Dating. It Changed My Life In Ways I Never Imagined.
"She told me she was 'so, so sorry,' then we messaged all morning. I started by asking her name."

People Are Sharing Unique Baby Names That Made Them Say, "Wait, That's Actually A Beautiful Name"
It's time to toss those baby name books.

"The Ultimate Minimal-Effort Meal": 31 Recipes To Jumpstart Your New Year, From Set-It-And-Forget-It Stews To Batched Breakfasts
If you, like me, have resolved to cook more in 2025, a little daily recipe inspiration is just what you need.

"This Couple Aired Their Entire Divorce On Facebook": People Are Sharing The Wildest Divorce Gossip And, Unfortunately, I'm Hooked
"She thoroughly believes he was pushed off by the ghost of her mother..."

Therapists Are Identifying What Oldest Siblings Talk About The Most In Their Sessions, And Honestly It's A Bit Heartbreaking
From struggles with perfectionism to feelings of imposter syndrome, here's what oldest children need help with.

You're Officially An Elder Millennial Or Young Gen X'er If You've Done Half Of These 48 Things (Unless You Lie And Say You Did)
You're officially OLD if you've done half of these '00s and '90s things. (But you probably already knew that.)

I Suffered Through An Excruciating Medical Procedure. I Was Furious When I Discovered The Truth About It.
"I don’t think I stopped shaking in anger for days. I became obsessed with understanding and solving this mystery. How did this happen to me?"

This Woman Shocked The Internet By Revealing "Postpartum Stink" Is A Thing, So Experts Are Explaining Why This Happens To New Moms
"You prepared me, and I was still unprepared when it happened."

After I Found Evidence Of Cheating, I Spent A Week At 'Sex Monster Camp.' It Changed My Life.
"I fell to the floor in disbelief and then lay there next to a pool of my own vomit, as my brain scrambled to find a logical explanation."

A Bride Being Mad Other People Walked On "Her" Aisle Runner And 11 Other Of The "Worst Weddings" People Have Been To
"During the ceremony, he turned to my son and said, 'Do you take her as your awfully wedded wife?'"

If You're Doing This During Your REM Cycle, Chances Are You Should Be Seeing A Doctor — Here's Why
Experts reveal symptoms that strike during nighttime rest and what those signs might mean for your health.

To Minimize Dementia Risk, Doctors Say To Steer Clear Of These 3 Things
Dementia isn't entirely within your control, but addressing these specific habits can help.

The Rudest Things You Can Do At The Doctor's Office
If you've done any of the things on this list, doctors just may think you're rude...

"Your Guests Are Not Part Of The Decor": People Are Sharing The Wildest Wedding "Requirements" Of 2024
"The final kick in the pants was the contract — 14 pages front and back of everything we were required to do, like not getting pregnant, attending meetings and events, constantly communicating, etc."

If Your Poop Looks Like This, It's Time To See A Doctor
Experts explain what types of stools aren't normal and how to tell if something unusual could be a sign of a more serious problem.

If You're Still Using Dryer Sheets When You Do Laundry, Experts Are Begging You To Stop
Dryer sheets aren’t just a waste of money; they’re wasteful, too.

36 Games And Activities To Help You Survive Winter With Your 2-Year-Old
We'll get through this together, friends.

My Mom Said One Word On Her Deathbed That Made Me Look At My Life In A Way I Never Had Before
"I let the word wash over me. I wanted Mom to know I’d heard her, and I repeated back the same word. When I said it, I felt as if I was signing a contract between us."

This Uncommon Laundry Routine Could Indicate ADHD, According To Experts
If you keep clothes in a pile on the floor or draped over a chair for many days on end, you might have what some call a “floordrobe.”

"It's Just Not Worth The Risk": Food Safety Pros Are Revealing The Common Foods They Always Avoid When Shopping For Groceries
"It's just not worth the risk."

"I Did A No-Spend Year": 48 Ways Frugal People Saved Serious Money In 2024
These are so smart.

"Apparently, There Is No Right Answer For Moms": People Are Sharing The Most Absurd Reasons They Were "Parent-Shamed"
"Someone shamed me for having my child at 37. He said something along the lines of 'who wants a kid from a shriveled up 37-year-old egg,' then went on to tell me I should have had my baby between the ages of 24–27 instead."

I Flew Cross-Country To Catch A Husband Cheating. What I Discovered Was Way Better.
"It’s 2:44 a.m. California time, and I’m delirious and about to embark on convincing someone at an RV campsite that I need to tour the grounds to see if my friend’s soon-to-be ex-husband is hosting another woman when he’s supposed to be watching their son."

"I'm Scared Of Telling My Wife": 24 Massive Confessions And Secrets People Don't Plan On Disclosing To Their Family Members Anytime Soon
"I told my husband I had to be at work early, jumped on a plane, met him at the airport, spent a torrid three hours with him, and flew home by dinner. NO ONE knows, and I will never tell."

If You Want Your Children To Be Empathetic, Parenting Experts Say You Should Do These Things ASAP
How the adults in children's lives talk to them can teach them to think about others and develop empathy as they grow up and into adulthood.

10 Foods You Should Never Cook On A Grill, According To Experts
Beware of grilling fish!

My 14-Year-Old Made A Decision That Should Have Delighted Me. Instead, I Found Myself Grieving.
"When I looked into the eyes of a young boy sincerely trying to use what little autonomy he had in the world, I didn’t have it in me to say, 'Too bad, kid. You get what you get.'"

The Dinnertime Habit Doctors Say Is Secretly Making You Tired The Next Day
Want to improve your energy levels? Experts agree there's a seemingly harmless behavior you should nix.

This Psychologist Broke Down Common Bad Habits That Can Actually Increase Your Risk Of Dementia As You Age
These common behaviors could be affecting your brain health.

My Mom's Support For Trump Divided Our Family. Then I Found The Crack In Her MAGA Armor.
"I pleaded with her not to vote for him. She wouldn’t budge. In the wake of his election, her choice took on the weight of a betrayal."

Get Ready To Laugh And Cry: Parents Are Sharing Their Top "Bluey" Episodes That Tug On Your Heartstrings
"The chaos that can happen in such a short time where children are involved is so relatable."

18 Of The Wildest Relationship Stories Told In 2024 That Selfishly Bring Me Comfort In My Singlehood
"I spent over an hour reading three months' worth of cheating."

I Thought Coming Out To My Mom Would Bring Us Closer. Then I Received Something Shocking In The Mail.
"I sat in my therapist’s office, holding the shreds, muttering, 'I can’t believe how passive-aggressive my mom is being.' My therapist paused, looked at me, and said, 'I wonder. Is this more in the category of aggressive-aggressive?'"

20 Splurge-Worthy Target Products You’ll Do The Whole Family A Favor Buying In 2025
A little splurge now and then keeps everyone happy — but most of all you.

25 Eye-Opening Confessions From A Trauma Therapist That Changed The Way I Think About Mental Health
"Ask me anything. Whether it’s about how trauma sneaks in, why we fall into patterns we hate, or how healing is possible, I’m here to answer."
![Woman with long hair in a patterned blouse speaking. Subtitle reads: "[That] actually can sabotage your brain health and lead to premature brain aging."](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2024-12/18/20/tmp/1807c8937c0f/tmp-name-2-616-1734554184-3_dblbig.jpg)
6 Seemingly "Harmless" Habits That Are Prematurely Aging Your Brain
These behaviors might not appear a big deal, but they could hurt your brain health in the long run.

People Are Sharing The One Book That Has Stood Out To Them In All Their Years Of Reading
"It's the only book I've read in my adult years that I keep thinking about every so often, even long after finishing it."

"We Don't Do Tanning Beds, We Just Get Our 1-Year-Old A Spray Tan": 15 Times Facebook Moms Were So Unhinged, It Frightened Us
"Is getting a play kitchen inappropriate for your son?"

38 Parenting Products From Amazon Our Readers Loved In 2024
Take it from the people who know.

19 "Took For Granted" Moments And Experiences That Older Adults Didn't Appreciate When They Were Younger
"I wish I'd taken the time to appreciate the novelty of youth before I discovered I'm just another person after all."

Truly Frugal People Are Sharing The Things You Actually *Do* Need To Spend Money On
"One big expense and you are set for a long time..."

Doctors Reveal The 7 Things You Should Absolutely Never Do In Order To Prevent Strokes
Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. But there are ways you can lower your risk.

"I Was Bored After Six Hours": People Are Sharing The Travel Destinations That Fell Short Of Their Expectations (Or Surpassed Them Immensely)
"IMO, it's probably the most underrated travel destination on the planet. It's home to every kind of landscape you could hope to visit."

Surprise Snow Day? Don’t Panic, You’re About To Have These 42 Entertaining Items Your Kids Will Love
Board games, recipe books, an indoor gym, and 39 other products that'll save you from a snow day.

These 41 Discontinued Foods Have Vanished From Our Pantries, But Never From Our Hearts
"I loved them for breakfast before heading to school. The 'Yummy Berry' flavor is the one I still remember."

"ICE" Is One Of The Rudest Dining Habits Ever, And You Might Be Doing It
This is what happens when a one-upper comes to the table.

I’ve Been Married For 19 Years And I’ve Never Slept With My Husband
"Allow me to answer your questions upfront: no, we are not celibate, and yes, I suspect you don’t fully believe me."

Wayne Brady Secretly Welcomed A Child With His Ex-Girlfriend, And 38 Other Celebs Who Had Babies In 2024
Darren Criss named his son Brother!

I Have A Bachelor's Degree And Still Work 4 Jobs To Make Ends Meet
"Tomorrow morning I’ll head off to work at a job that pays too little with a degree I do not use. As my husband leaves for yet another overnight shift, I wonder if we’ll ever get around to starting that family we so often talk about. Maybe someday, but not today."

18 Times Men Realized The Woman They Were Dating Was Extremely Toxic
"What followed was 12 years of harassment and emotional control via guilt trips and weaponized psychology."

"Back Then Was A Simpler Chaos": People Are Sharing The Things They Miss Most About The '90s And 2000s
"I think the best analogy is that the different parts of your life used to be like a department store with most things in their species places, but now it’s more of a messy thrift store where it’s all mixed up."

32 "Wonderful" Things From The Past That The Younger Generations Don't Even Know They're Missing Out On
"As it's the holiday season, the once-a-year airing of holiday specials and movies. No on-demand, VHS, DVD, streaming. It came on once, and that was it."

27 Things To Make Kids Forget It’s Way Too Cold To Go Outside
You no longer need to dread the days you're stuck inside.

It Took Me 7 Years To Bury My Husband. Here's What I Learned About Grief During That Time.
"I have no real memory of the months after his passing. ... I’d 'wake' to find myself at the grocery store holding a box of his favorite cereal with no idea how I got there."

"Dead Butt Syndrome" Is A Real Thing — Here's How To Tell If You Have It
If you sit most of the day, there's a solid chance you have this.

Here Are 6 Things You Should Do At Night To Be Happier The Next Morning, According To Experts
These small changes in the evening will help boost your mood the next day.

My Whole Life, I Embraced My Latina Identity. Then I Took A DNA Test That Changed Everything.
"Genealogy was a fun brain game for those with European ancestry. For nearly everyone else, it was a painful awakening to lost stories, erased histories and generations of trauma. "

20 Non-Monogamy Experiences From People Over 40 That Prove Open Relationships Are By NO Means A New "Trend"
"It is more common than people realize. Many folks are in the closet about it..."

"He Was Stalking Me For Months": 18 Harrowing Stories Of People Escaping Death That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine
"I felt dumb for years afterward, but now I realize that whatever I did to survive was the correct thing to do."

People Over 40 Are Sharing The Physical Surprises They Weren't Ready For, And It's Unsettling
"I’m gonna be real. There is a day in your early 40s when you wake up weirdly tired, and that never goes away."

"Nine Times Out Of Ten, It Looks Tacky": Interior Designers Are Sharing Their Honest Takes About 2025 Home Decor Trends
One of these forecasted decor “trends" was unanimously vetoed by every expert we spoke with…

13 Products And Hobbies That Cost An Arm And A Leg, And This Is Why We Don't Have "Third Places" Anymore
"Wearing a pair today is an insult to my a-- and the wallet against it."