1. Garbage disposal cleaner that's not only easy to use, but also very entertaining. Run some hot water, pop one of the packets in your disposer, let it foam, then wait for the foam to fully disappear, and bam! You can admire your lemony fresh drain that was basically cleaned for you.

Promising review: "WHERE HAS THIS BEEN ALL MY LIFE???! Holy cow, I didn't realize how easy and quick it was to clean a garbage disposal until I bought this product! Typically, I'd just use vinegar and baking soda down the drain and call it good. I didn't know that there was an actual disposal cleaning product available until I stumbled across it through a BuzzFeed article. I had to try it. The instructions are very simple. It literally takes five minutes and some hot water and VOILA! you have a clean, no-longer-stinky garbage disposal. Any time I got a whiff of an odor, all I did was drop one of these packs in the disposal and the smell was GONE! Plus, the blue foam bubbling in the sink was amusing to watch. Worth every penny!!" —VadersGirl
Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $15.75.
2. A pack of Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamps to keep things fresh between cleanings — when was the last time you picked up a scrub brush, anyway? Just stamp a gel under the rim, and it'll rinse the bowl with each flush for up to 12 days.
3. A bagless, touchless stationary vacuum for anyone who wants to feel like a member of the Jetsons. While it won't clean your whole home like Rosey, it'll act as a super effective replacement for a dust pan. Just sweep dirt over to the machine, and it'll suck it right up.
EyeVac is a small business that specializes in vacuums for home and commercial use.
Promising reviews: "I love the way it just sucks up the dog hair, crumbs, etc. The auto mode is great, but I had to place mine under a table because every time the dog walked by, it would go off and scare the heck out of her. I think it’s a great product and value." —Deb
"I bought this to keep next to my toddler’s high chair because I was sick and tired of bending over to clean up all her insane amounts of food and debris that she drops on the floor with every meal. This thing works so great! All I do is sweep it all in, and it sucks everything right up. It sucks up tiny little crumbs and really big chunks of wet food like macaroni alike. It has made my life so much easier, and my floor is so much cleaner. So easy to use!" —Patti
Get it from Amazon for $149 (available in three colors).
4. A beloved O-Cedar mop and bucket set that'll make mopping way faster and easier, thanks to the hands-free wringing system. The mop head's unique triangular shape allows it to get into corners, making it a favorite amongst neat freaks, professional cleaners, and people who normally hate mopping.
All you have to do is press the pedal down with your foot, and it'll spin away excess water.
Promising review: "This mop is fantastic!!! I clean for a living and use professional equipment provided to me... I use THIS mop at home, and I like it even better! Easy to use, great on my vinyl plank flooring, and works great getting into small areas, like around the toilet. I normally use a steam mop or a microfiber mop head on a push mop, and I think this mop does a much better job. Very happy with this purchase...would definitely recommend!" —Kellj23
Get it from Amazon for $45.97 (available in two styles and with cleaning solution).
5. A three-blade blinds cleaner with five removable microfiber sleeves so you can clean twice as fast. Now you can stop dusting and go back to checking to see if your cousins are here yet.
It's curved to contour to and better clean traditional Venetian blinds, so these might not be a great fit for straight or oversized blinds.
Promising review: "LOVE these for dusting my blinds. Easy to switch out and clean. Definitely captures the dust. Highly recommend." —Amazon Customer
Get it from Amazon for $6.99.
6. A handy device that keeps track of whether or not the cat has been fed. Those hungry meows aren't fooling anyone now, Socks!
Promising review: "I put this right next to her bag of food. It had been next to her bowl, but by the time someone noticed it was already checked off for the day, they had already re-fed her. She once ate as much as eight times in a day. Now, she lost so much weight she was able to jump 6 feet from the bed to the dresser when her max was 3 feet." —COA×4
Get it from Amazon for $8.89 (also available in five other styles).
7. A rust-removing gel spray – you may be tempted to say "abracadabra" as you use it. It's that magical! The powerful gel clings to rust on contact, so you can watch stains start melting off your tiles immediately; no scrubbing needed.
Use this for cleaning bathtubs, showers, toilets, colorfast fabrics, vertical surfaces, and hard-to-reach spots. It's nonabrasive and made with a nonhydrofluoric acid-based formula.
Promising review: "Holy wizardry! Seriously, it was more work to clean the mirror over the vanity than to use this product. With almost no effort, this made my dark orange, iron-water shower stall white again. I definitely suggest wearing a mask or bandana and running the ventilation fan if spraying in an enclosed area. Great product!" —Jessica B
Get it from Amazon for $11.42.
8. An ice tray with a lid so you can walk at a normal pace from the sink to the freezer and just throw that thing in there, no risk of spills. It'll also protect your ice from weird smells or loose frozen peas that might get stuck to it.

Promising review: "I don’t have an ice maker and I wanted something that did not take up too much space and was not open and able to take on any freezer odors. This tray is perfect. I can pour as much water as I want, and the excess will drain out; it has a great silicone cover, it is very easy to get the cubes out, and best of all, I can put it in at any angle, and it will not spill or leak! It is slim enough that I can store it easily, and it does not take up much room. It is also very easy to clean. It's perfect and everything I was looking for — definitely worth the money." —littlejennab
Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in two styles and multipacks).
9. A silicone freezing tray that lets you section your leftover soups into perfect frozen portions so you don't have to defrost your entire vat of black beans every time you want a single serving.

It comes with a lid to help maintain freshness and keep out odors. It's made of food-safe silicone that's BPA-free and dishwasher-safe. It's great for little sides of beans, sauces, soups, and more. Souper Cubes is a small business.
Promising review: "This is the best invention since sliced bread! How many times have you thrown out soup that you forgot about in your fridge??? Well, say goodbye to spoiled soup! Finally, a way to store measured quantities of broth, but I love to use mine for soup and...wait for it...SMOOTHIES! These cubes are the best for freezing measured quantities of smoothies; simply throw one in the Vitamix, and boom! You have a fresh, already icy-cold smoothie for breakfast or a snack! For anyone with limited freezer space,e which, let's face it, is most of us, this is a real gem. I was a bit worried about how easily the cubes would slide out, but no problems at all! The best part is how easily the cubes are stored in a gallon-sized Ziplock bag so you can reuse the cubes. AND they are dishwasher-safe??? Souper Cubes, why did you take so long to come into my life!??! I can't wait until the holiday season so I can gift these as stocking stuffers — to anyone I know, you now know your gift." —Texas Sunshine
Get it from Amazon for $19.95.
10. A pet brush with thin, long teeth capable of getting to the undercoat. A good brushing means a silkier coat, which means less shedding, WHICH MEANS less vacuuming! My greatest wish is to go one day without cleaning up dog hair. :')
Promising review: "Absolutely perfect for Nugget, my 9-month-old pug, it seems like he loves the feel of the brush because he happily sits for brushes. I can get about a baseball-sized collection of hair off of him and honestly, still can keep going. It leaves his fur nice and soft and the brush is super easy to keep clean. I highly recommend!" —Tiffany Sparto
Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available for short/medium and long hair and in eight colors).
11. A breakfast sandwich maker that cooks every part of the sandwich at once and then neatly stacks them together so you can skip the line at your local deli. Those $8 charges are starting to add up, after all.

All the removable, nonstick parts on this sandwich maker are dishwasher safe.
Promising review: "My college daughter loves this sandwich maker! It's quick and simple and requires no more than an outlet, although I do recommend spraying non-stick on the plates once in a while or at least wiping with a touch of Crisco. This makes cleaning it easier, too. Makes sandwiches just like the fast food joint but at far less cost, and you can do it in your jammies!" —AZDonnamae
Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in five colors).
12. A pair of sweeper slippers so you can clean...while you clean! Now it doesn't matter if you mop yourself into a corner. 🙂↕️
These work best for people with smaller feet.
Promising review: "I absolutely love these! I kind of bought them as a joke. I hate wearing socks, shoes, or slippers, but I also HATE dirty feet. These were the answer I was looking for! They are lightweight on my feet...hardly notice I'm wearing them, and by golly they pick up the dust and dirt that our dog leaves behind! They also wash very nicely. We always wish in Tide and these looked brand-new after being washed. I'm very pleased with my purchase!" —Tim S.
Get five pairs from Amazon for $15.99.
13. A Conair handheld steamer that I personally swear by for turning wrinkly balls of fabric back into the pristine garments they were before you left them in the bottom of your closet. It heats up quickly and removes wrinkles in minutes. And you really can't beat the price for how effective it is.
I originally bought this steamer for my wedding three years ago, and it's still going strong! It heats up in about a minute and does a great job working through tough wrinkles. It's super small, so it's perfect for one or two garments. Just be careful not to overfill it — it seriously only needs like a splash of water.
Promising review: "This steamer was a lifesaver. It can fix any wrinkled clothes or bent fabric props and make a tough wig a breeze to work with and style. I highly recommend. It does have a small water capacity, but you can work with it for a decent amount of time. Definitely good for the price point." —Alexa
Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in three colors and also a "travel smart" version).
14. Or if you wanna be really speedy, a bottle of Downy wrinkle release spray you can just spray on and watch the wrinkles magically vamoose.
Promising review: "This stuff is the bomb dot com. You just spray it on your clothes, smooth out the clothes with your hands quickly, wait a few minutes and the clothes are wrinkle-free! I hate ironing, so this is magic. Obviously, it won't work on hard creases but wrinkles from the dryer, for example, it will get rid of." —J. Larsen
Get two bottles from Amazon for $16.99 (also available in other pack sizes).
15. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher that works with rocker switches and one-way buttons, meaning almost anything can be turned into a smart device. Once you set it up, you'll be able to use Google, Alexa, or an app on your phone to turn things on and off, meaning you'll be living in an IRL version of Smart House. A smart house that makes hanging out fun and doesn't imprison you, of course.
Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home.
Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for, and I had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin
Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in white and black).
16. A sweet little fish who swims around in your humidifier tank, inhibiting the growth of buildup for up to 30 days. Now you can go longer between washes and maybe avoid the dreaded brown sludge that appears in some humidifiers.
17. A pack of melamine cleaning sponges, an alternative to Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, that can take on even the toughest stains (think: marker on your freshly painted walls). You just need water and a healthy dose of fear of your guests judging you for the state of your home!
Promising review: "These babies have transformed and reformed my slobby life. My dog sitter thought I got a new sink and fridge. I have never had more fun cleaning in my life — wait, I have never had any fun cleaning. But these magical creatures make it so freaking satisfying. No toxic stuff. No fumes. Just heavenly cleanliness. These are also much, much bigger than Magic Erasers. I cut them in half lengthwise, and they are STILL bigger. And they are a ton cheaper. Buy these. I don’t have much of a life, but I finally have a spotless sink." —Jimmy Jim Ereeno
Get it from Amazon for $13.95.
18. A dishwasher magnet so you can know at a glance whether the dishes are clean or dirty. Arguments = avoided. Accidentally eating off a dirty plate = never again.

Just rotate it to switch the "status."
Promising review: "I don't know why it took me so long to buy this thing, but I'm glad that I finally did. Yes, to some, it might be silly, but there are times when I forget or can't tell whether my dishes and glassware are clean. This $3 magnetic sign saves me from washing the 'dirty' dishes another time." —Colmac
Get it from Amazon for $4.60.
19. A Roborock robotic vacuum because if robots are going to take our jobs, it might as well be the worst ones. It'll clean your floors *and* empty itself when it's done! You might as well call this device Rosey because this is Jetsons-level tech.
BuzzFeed editor Daniel Boan has and loves this robot vac:
"I've always wanted a robotic vacuum, and after getting a chance to try the Roborock Q5+, I can't believe I waited so long. I absolutely hate vacuuming, so the ability to have a magical little robot clean my entire apartment at the touch of a button is an absolute lifesaver. The accompanying app is very easy to use — I typically use it to set up custom cleaning schedules — and the smart mapping feature was extremely accurate on the very first try. There are definitely cheaper options on the market, but what makes this worth the extra splurge is the self-emptying feature. Once the robotic vacuum is done cleaning, it finds its way back to the charging base and empties itself into a dust bag that lasts for up to seven weeks. My apartment has never been cleaner!"
Promising review: "This thing runs without a hiccup every time. With kids and dogs in the house, things get messy. This vacuum handles it all with grace, my floors end up always clean and grit-free. I love that it doesn't bang into furniture either. The sensors do a great job with identifying obstacles, walls, furniture, people, dogs, etc. so it doesn't actually bump into stuff to identify its surroundings." —Kaeli
Get it from Amazon for $449.99+ (available in two models).
20. Slow cooker liners so you don't have to yank the heavy pot out of the cooker to clean it. You can also use the heat-resistant liners to make two hearty fall stews at once. Bags! Gotta love 'em.

Bonus! These are also great for cooking cheesecakes. Just wrap the pan in one before dipping it in the water bath to keep it nice and dry.
Promising review: "This is a great deal on the multi-pack!!! Since trying these, I always use them when cooking in my Crockpot!! Cleanup is so, so easy. No mess, guaranteed!!!" —Sue
Get six liners from Amazon for $5.29 (available in three sizes and different sized packs).
21. Or oil-proof paper air fryer liners because I know you've been ignoring those burnt crumbs and french fry grease, hoping some enterprising elves might take care of it. Sadly, they're all busy baking cookies and mending shoes, but you can at least avoid future cleaning with the magic of disposable liners.
If you'd prefer a reusable option, check out these silicone air fryer liners.
Promising review: "These are lifesavers! Makes clean up seem unnecessary. For real. I use the air fryer a lot. I love cooking salmon brushed with olive oil. These liners keep a good 97% of anything from being in the bottom. Maybe more. When you think about how many liners you get, it's really not a bad deal for how much it helps." —Kim Kelly
Get them from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in two sizes, two shapes, and two pack sizes).
22. Luigi's Sink and Drain Plunger that works as your personal plumber to pull up hair, food debris, and other gross stuff lurking in your pipes. The plunger works on any drain small enough to be fully covered, and the flexible bellow is as much as 10 times more effective than a regular rubber cup plunger. Mamma mia! This thing is useful.
Promising review: "Y’all, this thing is amazing! My kitchen sink was completely clogged for four days. I’ve been trying to clear the drain with a different sink plunger that I already had and it didn’t do diddly squat. I was about to give up and call a plumber. Then I decided to order this one, and it just arrived… it completely cleared the drain in like three minutes. So then I decided to take it to the bathroom sink that had been draining extremely slowly, and within a minute, I had the water running so quickly and smoothly again. I got the small one, and it’s the perfect size for kitchen and bathroom sinks." —JNeen
Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in three sizes and toilet plunger styles).
23. A set of Sheet Keeper bands ready to keep your sheet sets together and properly labeled. GOODBYE, frantically searching for a matching pillowcase before your guests arrive in 30 minutes.

Sheet Keeper is a woman-owned small business based in Los Angeles, and their adorable bedding bands will actually make staying organized fun!
Promising review: "Great product. Came quickly,y and they work great! Such a great idea to keep sheets organized and together while being able to tell what size bedding it is. Will order again for sure!" —devonhansen1
Get a set of two from Sheet Keeper on Etsy for $10.99 (available in sizes twin—California king, as well as in duvet and comforter labels).
24. Or a bedding holder to hide your poorly folded fitted sheets in tidy-looking bundles. The bags, which come in three sizes, are meant to hold and compress your bedding to save room and keep your sets together.
Bumble Made is a small business that created the O-Sheet bedding holder for sheets, pillowcases, and other linens.
Promising review: "This is literally one of the best products I've ever purchased. It keeps my sheets so organized, it's good quality, and it makes my life so much easier. I will definitely be buying more for the larger blankets and spare room sheets! Thank you!" —Jennifer Briney
Get it from Bumble Made on Etsy for $16.80+ (available in three sizes and five colors).
25. A closet organizer *and* shirt folder that will finally address your — quite frankly — alarming dresser. Instead of balled-up tees crammed into drawers, you can enjoy neatly folded T-shirts that are easy to flip through.
Promising review: "Love this. I bought the 20-pack. I love clothes, and I’m a neat freak without a lot of closet space. Now, I can store my shirts and camis on my closet shelves and can see and access each one individually. Wish they were more affordable, or I’d buy even more!" —Wendy I. Smith
Get it from Amazon for $42.99+ (available in two sizes and two pack sizes).
26. A magnetic meal planning pad with a detachable shopping list for when you want to really commit to cooking at home.

Promising review: "Such a lifesaver. I find this meal planner super helpful. I love the side-by-side for the menu and shopping list. Soo much easier for me. Plus, they come in cute color combos and the back has a magnet to put it right on the refrigerator" —Amazon Customer
Get it from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in five colors).
27. A set of drill brushes so effective, you'll be shocked how clean your bathroom used to be. Why spend the energy scrubbing when pressing a drill button will do the trick? It's so important to delegate.
The set comes with a 2-inch flat brush, a 4-inch flat brush, and a round brush. The drill isn't included, but you can grab a basic Black and Decker one ($38.39 on Amazon) that'll do the trick.
Promising review: "I thought my hard water stains would never come off my shower doors, but I bought this awesome brush set, and it's amazing! I’ve tried all the hacks — drier sheets, clean erasers, lemon, vinegar — nothing works like this brush! I used Zep shower cleaner with it! In the picture, the side on the right is the part of the door I cleaned, and I still have to clean the left side." —Traci D.
Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six colors and stiffness levels).
28. A self-cleaning litter box you can even control from your smartphone — sitting on the couch has never been so productive. It scoops the unmentionables into a separate compartment that you can throw away at your leisure.
The hands-free cleaning cycle runs 20 minutes after your cat leaves the litter box, moving their waste to a leak-proof, odor-controlled, and disposable tray underneath. Also grab a bag of scoop-free crystal litter and tray refills, too.
Promising reviews: "This litter box is a must for any busy family that struggles to keep up with the daily maintenance of having a cat and a litter box! It works well, and my cat is so happy always having a clean litter box." —Kelsey Decker
"I rarely write product reviews but this litter box actually made a huge difference for my house! I have had a cat for about 10 years who decides to do the number 2 about two feet outside the litter box. He has ALWAYS done this, no matter what type of litter or box. I even asked my vet about it, and his response was, "Some cats are just jerks"😂. Then I got this litter box. For the first time EVER, he does ALL of his business in the box! And there is no odor at all!! I love it so much I have two. Would highly recommend!!" —Emily Stokes
Get it from Amazon for $199.95+ (available in three styles).
29. A nonscratch dish wand with a hollow handle you can fill with dish soap and vinegar so you can tackle your dishes or surfaces without wasting even a millisecond to re-soap your sponge. Let's get this DONE!
Check out a TikTok of the Scotch-Brite Dishwand to see it in action.
Promising review: "Found this 'must-do' hack. I fill the handle of this little gadget with Dawn and a little vinegar, keep it in the shower — then a couple of times a week, just scrub the shower walls while I'm in there waiting on the dang hair conditioner to do its work — killin' two birds, I'm tellin' ya!" —my4sons
Get a wand and seven refills from Amazon for $15.49.
30. A pack of disposable shower hair catchers for people who often forget to clean the drain after a shower and too squeamish to maintain a device like the TubShroom. You can just close your eyes and throw these away when they're too hair-infested.

Promising review: "For anyone with long hair, drainage clogging in the shower is a pain. So THANKS to whoever thought of such a simple but clever solution. They stick perfectly and the glue lasts like three weeks. It literally does not let a hair pass, and it's just so easy to place and remove. I wish I had known about this product before! A must-buy." —MER
Get a 25-pack from Amazon for $11.99 (also available in a 50-pack and 100-pack).
31. A Mason jar cold brew coffee maker that lets you make your java at night (when you're actually awake) so all you have to do is stumble to the fridge in the morning. Just pour coffee grounds (or tea leaves!) into the pitcher and let them steep overnight, and you'll never have an excuse to splurge at the café ever again.
Promising review: "This is the best way to have coffee without the acid and still have the caffeine. Easy to use and so much cheaper than buying cold brew coffee. I have bought several over the years for friends. I’ve owned mine now for four years and still love it." —Terry
Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in two sizes).
32. An oh-so-helpful plastic bag holder for those moments when you feel like you'd need one or two additional limbs to stop your Sunday evening meal prep from being such a mess. We've all been there — so why have we gone without these for so long?
Promising review: "I prep my meals a month at a time and these make it much more convenient. These are especially helpful with raw meat, as I can use two hands while prepping the food and don't have to worry about keeping one clean to open the bag. I've also used them to portion out servings and ounces of meat when placed on a scale. They're not made of anything incredibly strong, but they're sturdy enough for full Ziploc bags of food." —Julie M
Get it from Amazon for $9.98 (also available in multipacks).
33. A no-rinse soap that removes an entire step from hand-washing your clothes, making the whole process easier and faster. Just soak, squeeze, and dry flat!

Promising review: "I really like this soap. I did some research and found it is very difficult to find just the right gentle soap for hand washing small delicates in the sink. The choices are few. Some had lots of chemicals and other sites suggested making your own. Well that 's not happening. This Soak is great stuff. A little goes a long way and it smells nice. The BEST thing is you don't have to rinse it out. You are not standing at your sink filling it with water over and over to remove pesky soap residue. I only gave it four stars because I think it's a little expensive, but I would likely buy it again anyway." —Yankee transplant
Get it from Amazon for $14+ (available in seven scents).
34. A beloved, Shark Tank-featured Click & Carry Grocery Bag Carrier made with special padding to help you comfortably lift up to 50 pounds worth of bags on each shoulder, so now you really can do it all in one trip.
Click & Carry is a Shark Tank and QVC-featured small business that specializes in easy carry accessories.
Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. This is great when you have a few bags and a box — for example, if you balance the bags, you can throw it over your shoulder and walk inside and have two free hands to carry the box, which is great. Product seems well built, and is comfortable on your shoulder or hand because of the padding." —Hung
Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in six colors).
35. A WD-40 pen that provides all the same benefits as the spray can (quieting squeaks, lubricating hinges, preventing rust, etc.) but now with an easy-to-maneuver, precise pen tip. You could just walk around your home, touching up every hinge you see!
Promising review: "I love WD-40 products and use them for everything. I spray on shovels to keep dirt or snow from sticking, spray around windows and thresholds to deter bugs, clean Sharpies off wood and walls, and, of course, stop squeaky doors. These small direct-point application pens are great. Keep one in the glove box, my kitchen 'junk' drawer, and the house toolbox." —BBP623
Get a three-pack from Amazon for $12.99 (also available with a trucker hat for some reason).
36. A box of Color Catcher sheets to prevent the dreaded "all my clothes are now pink from this one stray red sock" debacle. These handy sheets are designed to grab any dye that leaks or bleeds so you can keep enjoying your white tees even if you're not sorting clothes into lights and darks.
Promising review: "These Color Catcher sheets really protect colors from bleeding. It makes all clothes/laundry brighter and looking like new — not that old washed color after just one wash without these sheets. I give this product 5+ stars. Highly recommend. A few pennies spent additionally on your laundry makes one look like wearing new clothes all the time." —Nikita
Get 72 sheets from Amazon for $14.29 (also available in multipacks).
37. A garlic rocker that's faster and easier to use than a traditional garlic press. It's also waayy easier to clean — best not dwell on the trauma of trying to fit a sponge into one of those things. 😬
I cook with a shocking amount of garlic and I always hated dealing with my old garlic press. This one-piece solution is SO much better than the old-school tool! You simply place your peeled garlic under and rock at an angle; it minces just the same. This also comes with a (TBH, very cute) scraper *and* a silicone sleeve that'll help you peel your cloves in an instant.
Promising review: "I like garlic very much, so I use this garlic press every day. It works very well, is easy to use, and is easy to clean. Compared with the garlic press I used before, this is more labor-saving and comfortable." —Jessica
Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in two colors).
38. An oil mister to make tossing things in oil a way less messy experience. Now you can just give your veggies a lil' spritz and not have to coat your hands in a thick layer of grease.
Promising review: "This is a great item for lightly spraying salads, roasting vegetables, or adding some oil to a prepared plate of pasta. Avoids using more oil than necessary, so that’s a savings right there. I also use it to put a light coating of oil on all my cast-iron cookware to prevent rust. Best of all, it looks great on the dinner table. Lots of uses, which really makes it an asset in the kitchen. It seems that it should last a while, so I think it is worth the few bucks spent." —Clancy
Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in three styles and multipacks).
39. A game-changing veggie chopper that will make quick work of your prep. Just add your veggies, slam down the lid, enjoy freshly chopped produce, and then throw the device in the dishwasher when you're done. Now you'll be crying tears of joy instead of tears from onion cutting.
Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action.
Promising review: "This is one of my absolute favorite kitchen tools! This is right up there with my stand mixer. I save hours a week using this for dinner prep. I HATE cutting up veggies for dinner, and this makes it fast and fun! I can’t believe I didn’t buy one years ago. This is worth every penny. Easy to use, and I can just throw it in my dishwasher for clean up. I’m obsessed. I will be buying these as gifts. This is an absolute must-have for everyone." —Reviewer
Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in four sizes, three colors, and in additional styles).
40. And a disco ball watering globe to make your plant feel like they're at their own personal dance party. It'll keep your plant hydrated between watering sessions and, when the sun hits just right, create a fun light show in your home.
Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.