Sex & Love
Sex & Love

Share The Story Of How You Found Out Your Spouse Was Cheating On You
If this applies to you, I'm so sorry.

12 Incredibly Restrictive Religious Rules About Sex People Followed In The Middle Ages
No sex on Saturdays, Sundays, or one of three obtuse 40-day periods throughout the year. Also, no imagining things. Or mouth stuff.

23 Things Men Could Be Doing Better In The Bedroom According To Women, And Honestly, I Couldn't Agree More
"I hate when they try to distract themselves to 'last longer.' Please stay engaged."

I'm Listening To People's Petty Relationship Deal-Breakers And Suddenly, Being Single Forever Sounds Like A Dream
"I decided to end things when he, a vegetarian, told me his favorite 'veggie' was zucchini bread."

People Are Sharing How They Handle Being In A Relationship With Clashing Political Views, And It's Definetley Eye-Opening
"It was a deal breaker for me. I can deal with some minor differences, but I couldn’t be with someone who felt so differently about those kinds of things."

Experts Say These Are The 7 Sex Questions Almost Everyone Has But Is Too Embarrassed To Ask
From vibrators to penis size to squirting, these are the topics sex educators say people secretly want to know more about.

Women Are Sharing Why They Cheated, And I Literally Have No Words
“Because my husband has taken all the joy out of my life, but due to finances, I cannot leave.”

I Got A DM About The Man I Was Dating. It Changed My Life In Ways I Never Imagined.
"She told me she was 'so, so sorry,' then we messaged all morning. I started by asking her name."

20 Ways Women Healed From Toxic Relationships And Bad Breakups That Are Actually Inspiring Me To Better My Life
"Well, I think I must have healed too well, because 10 years later no one has been worth disturbing my peace for."

19 People Who Escaped Bad Relationships Share The First Red Flag They Ignored
"Narcissists prayer anyone? 'That didn’t happen. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.'"

People Are Sharing Their Reasons For Calling Off A Divorce, And This Really Pulled At My Heart Strings
“In 24 years of marriage, I’ve filed for divorce twice — and stopped both filings.”

After I Found Evidence Of Cheating, I Spent A Week At 'Sex Monster Camp.' It Changed My Life.
"I fell to the floor in disbelief and then lay there next to a pool of my own vomit, as my brain scrambled to find a logical explanation."

11 People Are Revealing First-Time Sexual Experiences After Breaking Up With Their Long-Time Partner, And Their Honesty Is So Needed
"I know I can do better, and I have since, but I wasn't about to beg for a chance to prove it; that would have felt pathetic."

Divorced Women Are Sharing What They Wish They Had Done Differently In Their Marriages, And It Might Feel All Too Real
"I wish I had the courage to end things sooner."

Therapists Are Sharing What Impacts Married People's Happiness The Most, And It's Important For Anyone In A Relationship Right Now
These are some of the biggest hazards to a strong and satisfying long-term relationship.

I Flew Cross-Country To Catch A Husband Cheating. What I Discovered Was Way Better.
"It’s 2:44 a.m. California time, and I’m delirious and about to embark on convincing someone at an RV campsite that I need to tour the grounds to see if my friend’s soon-to-be ex-husband is hosting another woman when he’s supposed to be watching their son."

18 Of The Wildest Relationship Stories Told In 2024 That Selfishly Bring Me Comfort In My Singlehood
"I spent over an hour reading three months' worth of cheating."

18 Times Men Realized The Woman They Were Dating Was Extremely Toxic
"What followed was 12 years of harassment and emotional control via guilt trips and weaponized psychology."

60 Sexual "Never Have I Ever" Questions That Will Reveal How "Experienced" You Really Are
Never have I ever...licked a butthole.

This Is One Of The Most Reliably Satisfying Sex Positions For Women, And You May Have Never Even Heard Of It
Sex therapists say one small tweak can take your experience from “good” to much, much better.

20 Non-Monogamy Experiences From People Over 40 That Prove Open Relationships Are By NO Means A New "Trend"
"It is more common than people realize. Many folks are in the closet about it..."

This Woman Asked The Internet If She Was Overreacting To Her Fiancé's Behavior, And She Might Not Like What They Had To Say
"He proceeds to open his coat and invite her inside with him, where he closes it and wraps her up.

People Who Thought They Were Going To Marry Their Significant Other But Instead Fleed The Relationship Are Sharing What Happened
"I should have left sooner, but I'd been in love with him since middle school and felt marrying him was a literal dream come true..."

People Who Refused A Marriage Proposal Are Explaining What Actually Happened, And It's Soooooo Messy
And they (didn't) live happily ever after...

Women Are Revealing The Things Guys Think Are "Normal" That Make Women Feel Unsafe And Men, You Should Take Notes
"It's a kind of fear men would never understand."

Couples Therapists Are Sharing The Biggest "Red Flag" Relationships They've Seen, And Here's What You Should Look Out For
"Relationships like this are often doomed because the person simply doesn't care enough to make any meaningful change."

New Research Is Saying That *This* Is The Secret To More Frequent And Satisfying Orgasms
Women are statistically less likely to orgasm than men — but this one skill could change that.

My Ex-Husband Married My Old Friend. Then He Told Me They Were Having A Baby.
"'I wanted you to hear it from me first ― Kelly is pregnant.' My breath catches in my throat and my lower jaw tightens, preventing any kind of intelligible, audible reaction."

"DO NOT Date Someone From The Industry": Daters Are Sharing The 18 Professions That Are IMMEDIATE Red Flags For Potential Partners
"I am one; I married one. And, I still tell people not to date them."

22 Women Are Discussing The Baggage That Comes With Dating Married But Soon-To-Be Divorced Men, And Their Unique Perspective Is Very Educational
"It took him 16 years to leave and get divorced."

Daters Are Sharing The "Green Flags" That Turned Out To Be Red Flags In Disguise, And It's Very Yikes
"Those are 'red flags' disguised as green flags that I grew up seeing."

Women Are Revealing The Moment Where Everything Changed And They Knew They Were Done With Their Partner For Good
"The day I found out, I put all his belongings in bags on the driveway, changed locks on the house, and filed for divorce."

31 People Who Wanted To Be Noticed By Their Crush So Bad, They Stopped At Nothing To Get Their Attention
"I googled 'how to casually laugh' and spent hours practicing in front of the mirror."

"Nothing Has Made Me Feel More Intimately Connected": People Are Revealing The Wildy Intimate Things Couples Can Do For Their Partners That Don't Involve Sex
"I was surprised to learn lately that doing this for someone is considered intimate."

Married Women Are Confessing The Difficulties Of Marriage That No One Talks About, And It Hits Hard
"The hardest part was realizing that society had groomed me my entire life to make others happy...and groomed him to make himself comfortable."

This Mama's-Boy Boyfriend's Christmas Faux Pas Has United The Internet In Asking, "Why Are Men???"
"A card from a luxury jewelry company slipped out with the receipt and a card that says 'to mom.' He spent over a thousand on her."

"Those Are The Guys You Want To Avoid": Women Are Sharing The Dating Tips They Were Influenced By Other Women To Follow
"My friend did this and has now been happily married for a few years..."

16 Hot Girl Traits That Need To Be Studied In A Lab Because Every Single Gorgeous Girl Has Them For Some Reason
🎵 I'm a hot girl, pop girl, rich girl. 🎵

13 Frustrated Men Are Sharing The Obnoxious "Manly" Habits They Refuse To Partake In That May Give "Old-School" Men Heart Attacks
"People act like it’s not manly to do things like this..."

This Is What It's Really Like To Love (And Leave) A Narcissist
"I put up with the lows because the highs were so high, and this often meant holding out for long periods without feeling loved or valued. When you’re starved of affection, you’ll do anything for the tiniest crumb."

My Boyfriend And I Were Falling In Love. Then He Hit Me With A Deal Breaker I Never Saw Coming.
"I put my head in my hands and started to cry. We had never gotten too in-depth about the religions of our families — and now I see we should have."

This Guy Getting Yelled At By His Guy Friends For Not Doing This One Specific Thing After A Date Has United The Entire Internet
This video has me torn about whether chivalry is dead or not.

This 25-Year-Old "Diagnosed Nymphomaniac" Let People Ask Her Absolutely Anything About Her Condition, And It's A Perspective You Don't Often See
"A little over a year ago, I (25F) began therapy and was diagnosed as a nymphomaniac..."

11 Married Couples Who Didn't Last More Than A Year Explain Why They Called It Quits, And I Was Not Ready For This
"He had been secretly giving her money behind my back for years. "

These Are The Top 10 Places Americans Fantasize About Having Sex
There's something steamy about the thought of doing the deed in an unconventional location.

"The Bastard Tricked Me": 15 Married Couples Are Recalling The Biggest Secrets They Discovered From Their Partners AFTER They Tied The Knot
"Every single day of my marriage made so much more sense after this."

Women Are Sharing The Most Inconsiderate Things Their Boyfriends And Husbands Have Ever Done, And I Want To Cry
"My ex-husband went and worked out while I was in labor with our first child."

At 44, I'm Starting To Become Invisible To Men. Here's What I Didn't Expect To Feel.
"Society is not kind to women who age, but aging has given me something that I didn’t even know I needed."

14 Subtle Moments That Made People Realize Their Date Was An Awful Person
"After three months, I was like, "This isn't gonna get any better.'"

15 Very, Very Honest Stories Of People Realizing They Married The Wrong Person, And It's Wild How Common This Actually Is
"This was the turning point where my feelings died."

I Was Having Sex With An Old Hookup. Midway Through, I Discovered He Was A Trump Supporter.
"I finally asked, 'You’re not voting for Donald Trump, are you?' A smile spread across his face."

Men Are Sharing Their Dating App Experiences, And Oh Man, The Internet Is Really Shot
"God, if he exists, must hate me."

"Guys Who Have Been Emotionally Unavailable, Do You Regret Letting Her Go?" — Here's Why This Reddit Thread Has Gotten So Much Interaction
"Eventually, I put two and two together, and the whole 'it's not you, it's me' thing is true."

Relationship Experts Say These Are The Most Common Signs That Your Marriage Will End
Experts say these common issues are also warning signs.

I’m An Autistic Sex Worker. Here’s Why It Works For Me.
"Unable to keep a job in my 20s, I went on disability and started escorting to make some extra money."

These Are The 35 Most Important Things That Married People Have Learned From Life With A Spouse, And Anyone With A Long-Term Partner Needs To Hear Them
"I don't regret getting married. And I don't regret getting divorced."

Viral "Smut" Novels Are More Than Just Entertaining — These Are The Benefits To Reading Them, According To Experts
Women share how reading these steamy stories has changed their sex lives and marriages for the better.

18 Reasons Men Don't Enjoy Sex And They Are Issues We All Need To Talk About More
"I feel like a freak of nature..."

People Who Had A "Marriage Pact" Are Sharing What Happened When They Got Older, And I'm Speechless
"I realized I loved her too much to wait until 35. We've been together for two years, and we're getting married next week!"

Women, Share With Me The Things You Do That Make You Feel Safe When Out And About
We're all looking out for each other here.

I Married My High School Sweetheart, And I Don't Recommend It
"We didn’t even know who we were yet when we decided to travel across the country and elope."

After 20 Years Of Marriage, I Discovered My Husband Was A Sugar Daddy
As I found more and more charges for hotel rooms and expensive restaurants, I started to feel like I was living someone else’s life.

Men Are Sharing The Things Women Do On A First Date That Makes A Guy Say, "Nah, Never Happening Again"
"Our waiter returned and took our orders, but I was done with that date."

I Was Living In Dubai In My 30s When My Boyfriend Died Tragically. What Happened Next Still Haunts Me.
"Even after all this time, I still can’t quite believe the authorities were more interested in my sex life than investigating a fatal swimming accident."

Couples Are Confessing The "Secret" Gross Things They Do In Private, And I'm Actually Speechless
"My husband and I weigh ourselves before and after we poop so we can compare who had the biggest poop..."

20 Years After Breaking Off Our Engagement, My Ex Found Me To Explain Why She Left
"I wanted to understand all of it. I wanted to be kind and supportive but I was also struggling with my own confusion, my own doubts, my own worries..."

18 Miserably Married People Are Sharing Why Divorce Isn't An Option, And It's Heart-Breaking
"We will live unhappily 'til death do us part."

21 People Who Had Sex For The First Time On Their Wedding Night Are Getting Brutally Honest About Their Experience, And It's Actually Super Interesting
"It was very awkward, and I didn't know what to do. The playlist I made was laughable when I look back on it."

18 Dates Who Had The Potential To Do Something Lovely But Did The Complete Opposite Instead
I'm never going on a date again.

16 People Who Waited Until Marriage To Have Sex Shared What The First Time Was Like And Whether Or Not They Regretted Waiting
"We both wish we'd had some experience before each other and that we had 'lived in sin' for a few years without feeling like we had to get married. It made our early life so much harder than it had to be."

"The Hot Wife And Mean Husband": This Couple's Counselor Is Sharing The Dynamics She Sees All The Time, And It's Fascinating
I've definitely known couples like these, and her descriptions are spot on.

I Filed For Divorce 3 Months After My Wedding Day
How could our marriage be over before we’d even put away the gifts?

This Woman's Unique Gaslighting Tactics Have People Cheering Her On, And It's Raising Eyebrows
This story is ~made with love.~

Your Partner May Be "Cushioning" You Without You Even Realizing — Here Are The Signs To Lookout For
The behavior is also known as "backburnering" and it's more common than you think.

I Didn’t Have Sex For 10 Years. When I Finally Did, It Sent Me To The ER.
"'Please tell me you’ve seen worse than this,' I said to the nurse as I lay on the exam table feeling raw, emotionally and physically."

Older Women Revealed The Subtle (And Not-So-Subtle) Signs Someone Will Be A Good Partner, And It's Eye-Opening
"Turns out, I hate a lazy, sloppy, self-indulgent man. And, unfortunately, there are so many."

17 Grotesque Cheating Stories That Are So Unbelievable, It'll Make You Retire From The Dating Field Completely
Once a cheater always a cheater.

17 Horror Stories About Brothers-In-Law And Sisters-In-Law Who Were Just Unnecessarily Cruel
"I found I was finally pregnant after trying for a while and surprised my in-laws at Christmastime with a box that had baby mittens in it. During the joy and hugging, my sister-in-law looked at us and said, 'Well I’m pregnant too.' She wasn’t."

28 Women Shared The "Last Straws" That Made Them End Long-Term Relationships For Good, And I Cannot F*cking Believe The Audacity Of These Men
Yeah, we live in the bad place, ladies!

Are These 15 Scenarios Worth Filing For Divorce Over? Now's Your Time To Decide
"I do" might become "I don't."

27 People Who Were Ghosted And Abandoned By Their Long-Term Partners With Absolutely No Warning Whatsoever
"He blocked me on everything, so I couldn’t even contact him. It was like he died."

People Revealed The Naughty Porn Acts That Spiced Up Their Love Lives, And HOT DAMN
I'm speechless (but in the best way possible).

There Are TONS Of Post-Election Divorce Stories Currently Circulating Online. Here's What Lawyers Say Is Going On.
"It's more like the straw that broke the camel's back, but that camel already had a lot of straw."

This Man Disinvited His Brother's Girlfriend From Thanksgiving, And It's A PERFECT Example Of Why People Need To Set Boundaries
"My mom thinks I’m being too harsh, but I feel I’m just standing up for my wife."

"When We Reached My Stop, He Asked If He Could Come With Me": Here Are 17 Heart-Melting Ways Women Met Their Partners
"It sounds corny, but be brave and socialize with others, even if you’re anxious. It might change your life completely."

16 Spicy Office Romances And Affairs That Actually Changed People's Lives Forever
"I never wanted to be that person who cheated on their spouse, but it couldn't be stopped."

"It Wasn't Commonplace 20 Years Ago": People Are Sharing What They Dislike About Modern Dating, And They're 100% Valid
"Old-school texting. You had to make those 160 characters count."

Women In The Middle Ages Came Up With Clever Ways Of Faking Their Virginity, And Some Of Them Are Absolutely Mind-Boggling
Don't think the leech would've been my first choice.

"Every Single Couple We Know That Did This Split Up": 25 Subtle Signs That A Marriage Won't Last, According To Older Adults Who Learned From Experience
"The bigger the wedding, the messier the divorce."

Listen, This "How Likely Are You To Get A Second Date" Quiz Is About To Humble Some Of Y'all
Please don't bring up conspiracy theories on the first date. PLEASE.

Experts Are Sharing What It Means When Couples Constantly Post About Each Other On Social Media, And It Actually Makes A Lot Of Sense
When people felt more insecure about their partner’s feelings, they tended to make their relationships visible.

I Went To A Nudist Swingers Resort Without My Girlfriend. Here's What Happened.
"As I walked outside and felt the breeze and sun on my skin ― all of my skin ― for the first time, I quickly found myself nodding and waving hello to other naked travelers on their way to the pool or the beach."

Divorce Lawyers Are Sharing The "Pettiest" Cases They've Delt With, And I Realized I'm Not Nearly As Petty As I Thought...
Okay, but it's 2024. If we can't agree not to eat sushi, ribs, and lobster EVERY week, it's divorce time, babes.

25 Unhappily Married People Are Sharing Why They'll Never Get A Divorce, And It's Genuinely Heart-Wrenching
"If I had seen all the red flags in our dating years, I would've kept walking down the aisle and out the back door."

Older Adults Who Chose To Remain Single Are Revealing What Their Lives Are Actually Like
"I have never wanted kids. I'm 43 and never changed my mind, regardless of people constantly telling me I would once I met 'the one.' I fell in love and still never wanted kids. I'm divorced and happy. I'm single because I'm not afraid to be."

21 "Hard Realities" Of Marriage That People Never Talk About, According To Divorced Women
"The hardest part was pretending with family and friends in public that everything was good. In reality, he was the worst at home. It was so strange to watch women fawn over him like he was so great while I just thought, 'Wow, if you only knew.'"