Over 6 Million People Saw The Aftermath Of An Everyday Item Exploding In This Woman's House And Are Understandably A Little Freaked Out
"Why was this glass popping like popcorn in the middle of the night?"
"Why was this glass popping like popcorn in the middle of the night?"
"I like my body much more than I did when I was younger, even though I've put on some weight since then. I learned not to beat myself up about not being super thin — it took a while, but I'm much happier now."
"I'm 71, single, and comfortably retired with my dog; I recently realized that I have some extra cash (low five figures) in the bank, and I'd like to buy myself something nice."
Some of these "lookalikes" are...no comment.
"Losing a parent is hard, but knowing that means they won't lose you makes it easier. Take pictures while you can, even if they're not in perfect condition. Just be there; it'll mean the world to them."
Whoever said you needed a driveway to your second-story garage was definitely lying.
"His last line always gets me. I love the movie so much, but that scene WRECKS me..."
Why did the mushroom go to the party... Because he's a fungi, of course.
"Middle seat, middle aisle of the plane. The guy to my left constantly sneezing. But instead of covering it, he would stare directly up at the ceiling. The soft falling mist of a stranger's sneeze juices."
Whoever said you needed a driveway to your second-story garage was definitely lying.
"Losing a parent is hard, but knowing that means they won't lose you makes it easier. Take pictures while you can, even if they're not in perfect condition. Just be there; it'll mean the world to them."
"I'm 71, single, and comfortably retired with my dog; I recently realized that I have some extra cash (low five figures) in the bank, and I'd like to buy myself something nice."
"Why was this glass popping like popcorn in the middle of the night?"
Why did the mushroom go to the party... Because he's a fungi, of course.
Calling all geniuses.
"His last line always gets me. I love the movie so much, but that scene WRECKS me..."
"Middle seat, middle aisle of the plane. The guy to my left constantly sneezing. But instead of covering it, he would stare directly up at the ceiling. The soft falling mist of a stranger's sneeze juices."
Some of these "lookalikes" are...no comment.
"I like my body much more than I did when I was younger, even though I've put on some weight since then. I learned not to beat myself up about not being super thin — it took a while, but I'm much happier now."