TV & Movies
We’ve got you covered for all the best TV and movies moments from Stranger Things to House of the Dragon to all of those Marvel Easter eggs you missed to what the Abbott Elementary and Squid Game casts are up to, and more. We love to excitedly yell about every rom-com, horror movie, or TV show, no matter how big or small.

15 TV Shows That People Loved From Start To Finish, And 13 That Ended So Badly, It Practically Ruined The Whole Show
The ending of Breaking Bad couldn't have been better. Game of Thrones, on the other hand...

John Krasinski Recalled Experiencing An “Unbelievable Head Trip” When He Realized His Daughters Had No Idea He Was Famous And Thought He Was An Accountant
“She hadn’t seen the show. I think I was an accountant in her eyes… It’s a pretty wild thing for them to process.”

21 Episodes Of Comedy Shows That Were So Perfectly Executed, They're Some Of The Very Best TV Episodes Of All Time
Sheldon taking care of Penny after she slips in the shower is one of the best The Big Bang Theory episodes of all time.

Eat Your Way Through Fast Food Breakfast And We'll Reveal Which Australian "The Office" Character Matches Your Freak
Need a Flinley Craddick warehouse spin off TBH.

People Are Revealing The 27 Characters Whose Chemistry Was So Wild, It's Almost "Sickening," And I Totally Agree With 99% Of These
"I always feel like I'm interrupting something, and I will keep interrupting TBH."

Jenna Fischer Revealed That Angela Kinsey Would Also Wear Hats To Work To Help Disguise When Jenna Began To Lose Her Hair From Chemotherapy
"I said, 'I want to keep working and I don't want anyone to know at work. At work, I want that to be a space where we go and we laugh and I'm not a cancer patient.'"

"The Office" Leading Lady Felicity Ward Has A Message For Steve Carell After Speaking To The OG Pam Beesly
"Who amongst us hasn't woken up crying?"

17 Celebs Who Everyone Wishes Would Just Start Dating Already (Even Though They've Always Been Just Friends)
"I'd give a limb for a man to look at me like that."

"She Was 40 Beefing With A 3 Year Old": People Are Sharing The 33 Best On-Screen Enemies Ever, And My Lungs Genuinely Hurt From Laughing
Michael and Toby. Best pair of enemies ever.

"We Don't See Each Other": 17 TV Show Casts That Had The *Best* On-Screen Chemistry, And Whether They're Actually Close In Real Life
There's a reason people think John Krasinski and Jenna Fischer are married IRL. It's because Pam and Jim are incredible together.

Find Out Which "The Office" Couple Matches Your Relationship Vibes
We can't all be Jim and Pam!

Melvin Gregg Reflects On His Humble Vine Beginnings After Landing New Role In "The Office" Spinoff
Get in, loser; we're going back to Scranton.

These 22 TV Show Endings Were So Good, They Left Us Speechless
Too. Many. Emotions. To. Process.

Get Ready To Parkour, Parkour Because A New Version Of "The Office" Is Coming In Hot
"I have a lot of questions. Number one: How dare you?"

Here's The Main Cast From "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," "Parks And Rec," & "The Office," Narrow Them Down To Determine The Best Character Of Them All
Rosa or April: Only one can be the deadpan queen.

This Random Trivia Test Is All About TV Sitcoms — And I Bet You Won't Be Able To Score Higher Than 5/10
If you can remember who Ross's second wife was, you have all my respect.

Which Dwight Schrute Personality Do You Most Relate To?
"Identity theft is not a joke, Jim!"

Rainn Wilson Apparently Gave Creed Bratton A Truly Genius Idea For How To Appear In "The Office" Reboot
Now how do we actually make this happen?

Which TV Classic Do You Belong In: "Friends" Or "The Office"?
So no one told you life was gonna be this way, you're just an office temp in Scranton, PA! 🎶

Prove Your "Office" Fan Status With These 80 Trivia Questions And Answers
Hopefully, you're at least more competent than Kevin.

John Krasinski Revealed He "Wept For A Good 30 Minutes" After Reuniting With Steve Carell On Their New Film "IF"
The only thing cuter than John Krasinski playing with puppies might just be his new movie, IF.

Would You Invite Michael Scott To These Social Engagements?
We all have that one friend we just can't take to family gatherings.

Are You Pam Beesly Or Amy Santiago? Savor A 5-Course Breakfast To Find Out
If donuts and coffee make an appearance at The Finer Things Club, Amy might just have to join!

Build Your Ideal Meal And We'll Tell You Which "The Office" Character You Are!
Combine your passions for food and The Office with this deliciously fun quiz!

Any Fan Of 'The Office' Should Nail This 12-Question Quiz
Scranton, the electric city!

Employees Who Report To IRL Michael Scotts Are Sharing The Most Outrageous Thing Their Boss Has Done, And It's Low-Key Hilarious
"One day, we had 'kidnapping drills,' where we 'learned how to not be kidnapped.' Notably, this was a regular, boring office in a regular, boring suburb."

This AI "The Office" Quiz Will Tell You If You'd Still Have A Job After Attending Their Christmas Party
I'm not sure I can get through Angela...

Any Legit Fan Of "The Office" Should Nail This Quiz
"How the turntables."

This Quiz Will Reveal The Exact "The Office" Character You Are In Like, 15 Seconds
We're talking down to the percentage here.

Don't Freak Out, But We Know Your Exact Age Based On This A–Z TV Shows Quiz
So many shows to watch!

Travel Around The USA And We'll Give You A Popular Sitcom To Watch (Or Rewatch!)
There's just nothing like a good sitcom.

I Challenge You To Identify These Popular Sitcoms From A Single Screenshot
Let's see how good your memory is!

Here Are Five TV Show Finales That Were Genuinely Terrible, And Four Others That I Wouldn't Change A Thing About
"It just felt so rushed, so random, and so wrong."

15 Celebs Who Admitted They Had Never Watched Their Spouse Or Partner's Popular TV Show Or Movie
Priyanka Chopra said she's never seen Camp Rock and thinks it would be fun to have a viewing party where she watches it with Nick Jonas for the first time.

These Minuscule Sitcom Details That Show The Writers Were Playing Chess While We Were Playing Checkers
Michael Schur, take a bow.

From "Scott's Tots" To The Musical "Grey's Anatomy" Episode – 21 TV Episodes That We Shall Not Be Rewatching
"It is just the rotten cherry on top of an awful sundae."

"The Office" Star Leslie David Baker Released A Statement Explaining Why He's Returning $110,000 In Fan Donations — Here's What He Said
The Office actor Leslie David Baker released a statement addressing why he's returning all the fan donations for the stalled spinoff campaign.

These 20 Lesser-Known Shows, Along With A Popular Show With Similar Vibes, Will Help You Find A Hidden Gem To Watch Tonight
If you've already had your annual The Vampire Diaries rewatch, then maybe you'll like the similar vibes of the show Orphan Black.

15 Possible Storylines If "The Office" Was Made In 2023
The Zoom calls would be a nightmare.

I Challenge You To Identify These Popular TV Shows From A Single Screenshot Of Their Opening Credits
Let's find out how good your memory actually is!

This Might Be Controversial, But Here's Why These Misunderstood 13 Characters Were Actually Right
"Justice for this man. A bee stole his girl and everyone gaslit him about it."

Whether You're Carb Loading RIGHT Before A Race Or Spilling Chili, Your Food Choices Will Determine Your "Office" Bestie
Just as long as you don't bring a George Foreman grill to bed with you...

I Rewatched The 2005 Pilot Of "The Office" And It's Wild How Different The Show Used To Be
The pilot was like a whole other show.

I Challenge You To Identify These Popular Sitcoms From A Single Screenshot
Do you just let these shows play in the background, or do you actually watch them? Let's find out!

I Asked AI What The Children Of Iconic TV Couples Would Look Like, And Some Are Scarily Accurate
Oh my god, Jim and Pam's kid is making my ovaries hurt.

Tell Us Your Favorite Popular Show And An Underrated Show You'd Recommend
Aren't we all trying to break the repeat cycle of rewatching the same three comfort shows over and over again?

18 Actors Who Went On To Have Big Careers After Guest Starring On "The Office"
A lot of them ended up starring in their own TV shows.

Rainn Wilson Explained Why He Was "Mostly Unhappy" While Filming "The Office"
“When I was in The Office, I spent several years really mostly unhappy because it wasn’t enough."

25 "The Office" Memes And Gifs That Need Little To No Explanation
Meme culture was BUILT on The Office.

15 TV Characters Who Experienced A Total Personality Change — From Winston In "New Girl" To Robin In "Stranger Things"
Some lost brain cells, some gained brain cells, and some there is no explanation.

Only A True Fan Of "The Office" Can Get At Least 13/15 On This Quiz
"I feel God in this Chili's tonight."

Here Are 17 Actors Who Were Dead Broke Or About To Give Up Acting Before They Landed A Huge Role
"I always said if I don't get anything substantial by the time I'm 30, I'm done."

People Are Sharing The Actors They Think Brought So Much To A On-Screen Role, Nobody Else On Earth Would Have Been Able To Do The Job
"The only reason a character could be so beloved while being so irritating and offensive is because of how likable of a person Steve Carrell is."

These 15 TV Shows Paid Meticulous Attention To The Tiny Details, And That's Why We Loved Them
The Good Place 🤝 The Office.

27 Hilarious, Heartbreaking And Simply Brilliant TV Scenes That Are Considered To Be The Best Of All Time
Patrick and David's wedding vows to each other will always make me ugly-cry.

32 TV Episodes To Watch If You're Trying To Get Into That Show Everyone Keeps Recommending
The pilot episode isn't always the best one...

If You Can Match "The Office" Quote To The Character Who Said It, You're A True Fan
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." — Wayne Gretzky, Michael Scott

6 Scenes From "The Office" That Are So Cringe I Don't Think I Can Ever Watch Them Again
Andy finding out his "girlfriend" is in high school.... yikes.

21 Average TV Shows That Developed Into The Best Thing People Have Watched
I will never stop talking about Zuko's pivotal redemption arc in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

"Jury Duty" Is The Best New Comedy Of The Decade — Here's Everything You Need To Know Before Watching The Finale
Jury Duty is created by the same producers as The Office — and it might be even funnier.

22 On-Screen Weddings That Are So Perfect They'd Never Happen In Real Life
*Adds every image to Pinterest board.*

Here Are 22 Child Actors From 2000s Movies And TV Shows All Grown Up
Take a look at how these former child stars have changed.

Your Favorite "The Office" Episodes Will Reveal Which Character You Truly Are
“I feel God in this Chili’s tonight.” – Pam Beesly

"Who Are The Celebrities? I Hope It’s Not A Kardashian" – 15 Times Actors Had Wild Demands On Set Or Flat Out Refused To Do A Scene
"There was a guy who held his chocolates in a little Tupperware. Whenever he needed chocolate, he’d come running over and give him a chocolate."

Which "The Office" Character Are You Based On The Trip You Plan To Pennsylvania?
Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

19 TV Stars That Were Made Famous In The '00s And What They Are Up To Today
What a great time for television.

People Are Sharing The Comfort Shows To Watch Over And Over, And I Can Totally Agree With Some Of These
"It's like being wrapped in a warm nostalgic blanket."

Build A Home With An Unlimited Budget To Find Out Which "The Office" Character You Are
Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.

B.J. Novak Admits His Relationship With Mindy Kaling Was A "Romantic, Toxic, Boundaryless Mess"
"We were in love with each other, and we were reckless idiots."

"There Are Little Easter Eggs That Make So Much Sense On A Rewatch" – 27 Shows That Fully Deserve A Second Viewing
"It’s worth the rewatch alone to pay attention to Gary’s facial reactions."

57 Shocking Acting Roles Celebrities Had Before They Became Really, Really Famous
I will never be able to watch these shows and movies the same way again.

Your Food Choices Will Reveal Which "The Office" Character You Are
Bears, beets, and Battlestar Galactica! ✨

Here Are 23 TV And Movie Spin Offs You Said You'd Love To See, And Honestly, I'm Excited Just Thinking About These
"Thing from Wednesday – who, what, why, where, when!"

33 TV Characters Duos That Are Exactly The Same, But In Different Fonts
I love that Pedro Pascal is basically playing the same dad character in The Mandalorian and The Last of Us.

I Rounded Up The Top Couples From "The Office" — Which Pair Are You And Your S.O.?
Disclaimer — It's all random so don't take it seriously.

I Thought Everything On TV Was Fake But Here Are 17 Shows That Accurately Showed IRL Jobs
"That scene was so accurate, it almost gave me and my husband an anxiety attack."

Eat At This Giant Buffet To Reveal Which "The Office" Character You're Most Like
Sometimes random is the most accurate.

18 Times "The Office" Actually Taught Me A Lot About What Corporate Life Is Like
All the warnings were there.

Here Are 21 Of The Best TV Cliffhangers Of All Time, As Decided By TV-Bingeing Experts
Yep, Grey's and Breaking Bad are both on here twice.

Only True Fans Of "The Office" Will Be Able To Defeat This Never Ending Character Quiz
It's time to test your Dunder Mifflin knowledge.

People Are Sharing The One Show They Could Never Live Without And I'm Glad We All Agree That "Golden Girls" Was A Masterpiece
Please don't touch my emotional security marathon show. I'll crumble without it.

Mindy Kaling Thinks "The Office" Is Too "Inappropriate" For Television Nowadays
"Tastes have changed, and honestly what offends people has changed so much now."

Deep Down In Your Soul, Which Underrated Quote From "The Office" Are You?
"I love banter, but I hate witty banter."

From Joey In "Friends" To Pam In "The Office" – 17 Times Something Happened To An Actor That Had To Be Written Into The Script
Phoebe carrying Frank and Alice's triplets was written-in because Lisa herself was pregnant.

19 TV And Film Vacations From No Way To Yes, Please
Genovia, the Barbarian airbnb, The White Lotus, and Stars Hollow are all getting Yelp reviews.

Stalking Your Crush, Hating Your Wife, And 12 Other Tired TV Tropes That Have Aged Like Milk Since The ’90s
A lot has certainly (and thankfully) changed since the '90s.

We'll Reveal Which Hilarious Meme From "The Office" Best Represents You If You Tell Me Which Fall Items You Prefer
The worst part about Thanksgiving was the Dementors!

There's One Guy From "The Office" You Belong With — Let's Find Out Who It Is
“I’m in love. I was hit by cupid’s sparrow.” — Michael Scott

Mindy Kaling Once Confronted A Fan Of "The Office" For Breaking Into B.J. Novak's Car While She Was 8 Months Pregnant
"When we got out, he was like, 'Hey, love you guys in The Office!' He's just a nice man who loves The Office and I'm sitting here being like, that guy shouldn't be staring at us."

19 Roles That Prove Evan Peters Is Extraordinary
When you see Evan Peters in the casting list, you know it's going to be good.

It's Basically Impossible To Choose A Favorite Jim Prank From "The Office" Because They're All Soooo Good
This is going to be hard! That’s what she said.

15 Workplace TV Shows To Watch If You're Missing Working In An Office
From Industry to Abbott Elementary, these shows will make you feel like you never left — whether you think that's a good thing or bad.

26 TV Actors Who Were Recast So Quickly, You Probably Never Noticed The Difference
I always wondered why Blair's mom in Gossip Girl suddenly looked...different.

These 20 TV Moments Gave Me Secondhand Embarrassment So Bad I Couldn't Figure Out Whether To Laugh Or Cry
Obviously, Riverdale is on this list, don't even worry.

Which Character From "The Office" Are You Based On The Home You Build?
Pam, Jim, Dwight...

Mindy Kaling And BJ Novak Joked About Their "Insanely Complicated Relationship" At The 2022 Emmys
"That show would take up your whole life."