
People Who Were Married For Less Than A Month Are Sharing The Reason They Got Divorced, And I'm Appalled But Can't Look Away
"He literally went into hiding so I wouldn't be able to have him served with the papers."

Here Are The Wedding Trends Literally No One Would Be Sad To See Go Away For Good
"Loooong speeches. People are hungry. Get on with it!"

People Are Sharing Their Reasons For Calling Off A Divorce, And This Really Pulled At My Heart Strings
“In 24 years of marriage, I’ve filed for divorce twice — and stopped both filings.”

A Bride Being Mad Other People Walked On "Her" Aisle Runner And 11 Other Of The "Worst Weddings" People Have Been To
"During the ceremony, he turned to my son and said, 'Do you take her as your awfully wedded wife?'"

"Your Guests Are Not Part Of The Decor": People Are Sharing The Wildest Wedding "Requirements" Of 2024
"The final kick in the pants was the contract — 14 pages front and back of everything we were required to do, like not getting pregnant, attending meetings and events, constantly communicating, etc."

"The Dumbest Mistake I Ever Made" — 16 People With Cold Feet Who Got Married Even Though They Thought They Shouldn't
"If anyone in the world had asked me, 'Do you want this?' I would have walked."

Divorced Women Are Sharing What They Wish They Had Done Differently In Their Marriages, And It Might Feel All Too Real
"I wish I had the courage to end things sooner."

18 Of The Wildest Relationship Stories Told In 2024 That Selfishly Bring Me Comfort In My Singlehood
"I spent over an hour reading three months' worth of cheating."

This Woman Asked The Internet If She Was Overreacting To Her Fiancé's Behavior, And She Might Not Like What They Had To Say
"He proceeds to open his coat and invite her inside with him, where he closes it and wraps her up.

People Who Thought They Were Going To Marry Their Significant Other But Instead Fleed The Relationship Are Sharing What Happened
"I should have left sooner, but I'd been in love with him since middle school and felt marrying him was a literal dream come true..."

People Who Refused A Marriage Proposal Are Explaining What Actually Happened, And It's Soooooo Messy
And they (didn't) live happily ever after...

I Don't Care What The Internet Says, There Are Real Lovers Out There, And This Sweet Wedding Story From Yvette Nicole Brown And Anthony Davis Proves It
It's like the kids say nowadays, "If he wanted to, he would."

Yvette Nicole Brown Spoke About Getting Married For The First Time At 53, And It's Really Sweet
"I am of a certain age and I never thought it would happen for me."

20 Shock, Shock, Shockingggg Things People Witnessed At Weddings In 2024 That Hopefully Won't Haunt Them In 2025
Love was downright messy in 2024.

15 Very, Very Honest Stories Of People Realizing They Married The Wrong Person, And It's Wild How Common This Actually Is
"This was the turning point where my feelings died."

Throw A Christmas Wedding And I'll Reveal Your Soulmate's First Initial
Sleigh bells and wedding bells are ringing!

28 Awful, Awful, Awful People Who Showed Their True Colors When They Were Getting Married
Imagine scamming your own bridesmaids!!!

People Who Had A "Marriage Pact" Are Sharing What Happened When They Got Older, And I'm Speechless
"I realized I loved her too much to wait until 35. We've been together for two years, and we're getting married next week!"

If You Had Cold Feet And Got Married Anyway, This Is The Place To Tell Me What Happened
This is the place to share.

If You're Still Stumped, Here Are 32 Gifts To Give Your Tough-To-Shop-For Significant Other
Including some practical household options because if you've been together 5+ years... those just make sense.

"The Bride's Sobbing Was Almost Unbearable": People Are Sharing Tragic And Impossibly Sad Things That Happened At Weddings
Weddings are supposed to be happy. They aren't always.

Send This List Of 25 Gift Ideas If You Need To Nudge Your Clueless SO In The Right Direction This Holiday Season
If you've been struggling to find the perfect present, you can relax now — I've got your holiday shopping covered.

21 Modern Wedding Trends People Think Are Tacky, Weird, Or Straight-Up Embarrassing
"The whole mason jar craze annoys me the most. I don't understand the obsession with them! I use mason jars for one thing and one thing only — CANNING. That's what they're for."

Buffalo Bills Quarterback Josh Allen Announces Engagement To Oscar-Nominated Actor Hailee Steinfeld
"This is my Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce."

People Who Got Dumped On Their Wedding Day Are Sharing What Happened, And It’s So Unexpected
"I was at a wedding, and when the officiant said, 'If anyone here has any objection, speak now or forever hold your peace,' a woman in the back stood up and said, 'The groom can't get married as he is my husband.'"

"I Get Secondhand Embarrassment": 24 Trends, Traditions, And Decor That People Seriously Hate To See At Weddings
"In addition to the garter toss, let’s get rid of the bouquet toss as well."

23 Things About American Weddings That Non-Americans Find Shocking, Embarrassing, And Straight-Up Weird
"I still can't understand the smooshing cake in the face thing. I hate it. Do you know how long wedding makeup takes to be done? Then, you're going to ruin your beautiful makeup with cake smooshing?"

I Filed For Divorce 3 Months After My Wedding Day
How could our marriage be over before we’d even put away the gifts?

A Bride Is Wondering If She's The A**Hole After Telling Her Friend Not To Vacation Where She's Honeymooning
"Get her out of your bridal party if she is in it, and stand firm on not revealing your flight and honeymoon in another country."

Plan Your Wedding And We'll Reveal Which Taylor Swift Era You Are
All I hear is "Speak Now" playing.

I Will Reveal Your Soulmate's First Initial, Just Plan A Wedding First
I hope you've got a specific budget in mind!

If You Got A Divorce Shortly After Getting Married, Share Your Story With Us
Raise your hand if you dodged a bullet...

52 Small Gifts To Surprise Your Significant Other With This Holiday Season
Love is knowing your partner would prefer stickers of their pet's face over diamonds.

Share With Us The Things You See At Weddings That Make You Go "Absolutely Not"
What is the reasoning behind the groom taking the bride's garter off with their teeth...

Wedding Experts, Tell Us Which Wedding Trends Will Go "Extinct" In The Next Few Years
I don't think I'll ever let go of pampas grass.

Older Adults Who Chose To Remain Single Are Revealing What Their Lives Are Actually Like
"I have never wanted kids. I'm 43 and never changed my mind, regardless of people constantly telling me I would once I met 'the one.' I fell in love and still never wanted kids. I'm divorced and happy. I'm single because I'm not afraid to be."

21 "Hard Realities" Of Marriage That People Never Talk About, According To Divorced Women
"The hardest part was pretending with family and friends in public that everything was good. In reality, he was the worst at home. It was so strange to watch women fawn over him like he was so great while I just thought, 'Wow, if you only knew.'"

Here Are 14 Celeb Couples Who Recently Got Engaged — I Want To Know If You Love Or Hate Their Rings
Zooey Deschanel's ring is so her!

Share The Wedding Trends That Need To Be Left In The Past
Nothing lasts forever.

"It Was The Most Out-Of-Control Wedding I'd Ever Witnessed": Wedding Vendors And Guests Are Sharing The 17 Wildest Moments They've Ever Witnessed At Ceremonies And Receptions
"I, to this day, cannot stand alcohol at weddings. I'm surprised that didn't make me quit."

What's the worst possible song you could have as your first dance at a wedding?
"You're Beautiful" by James Blunt isn't quite as romantic as some people think...

Men Are Revealing Their Biggest Regrets About Getting Married, And It Might Change The Way You Think
"Consistency feels like an illusion to me now, and I don't trust what people say or believe they want anymore, even after years of connection."

Customize Your Beach Wedding And I'll Reveal Which Sea Creature Is The Officiant
This quiz is tooooo cuuuuute!

Married Women Are Confessing Their Biggest Regrets And What They Wish They Knew Before Getting Married, And It's Brutally Honest
"Don't get married thinking you can change them. People rarely change, and things are less rose-colored when you're legally tied down to that person."

I Can Guess Your Generation Based On The Wedding Attire You Put Together
Informal = younger...

Plan An Eccentric Wedding And I'll Reveal Which Cryptid You'll Marry
No need to put Bigfoot on your "hear me out" cake when you can just put a figurine of him next to you on your wedding cake!

Married Women, What Should Other Women Know Before They Get Married?
We want to hear all of your thoughts.

Wedding Guests Are Sharing The Most Entitled Demands Brides And Grooms Made On Their Big Day, And I Cannot Believe The Audacity
"They didn’t ask for a physical gift. Instead, they asked me to clean their enormous house from top to bottom."

There Are 4 Types Of Brides – Design Your Wedding Dress To Find Out Which One You'll Be
No one wants to be a Bridezilla...

This Husband Wants Advice On How To Ask His Wife Of Less Than A Year For A Divorce, And I Think I Judged Him Too Soon Before Reading His Story
"We got married less than a year ago after dating for three years."

15 Ex-Husbands Revealed Their Breakup Stories, And Honestly, You Can't Help But Root For Them
Being married isn't always rainbows and butterflies.

A Groom Got This "Rude" Text From His Mom 2 Days Before His Wedding, And A Heated Debate Has Erupted
"I don't even know who they are."

Divorced Men Revealed The "Hard Realities" Of Marriage That No One Talks About, And It's Shocking
"Lack of intimacy can kill a relationship. The red flags you see before marriage won't turn green just because you walk down the aisle."

15 Times When Divorced Women Knew Their Horrible Marriages Were Over
"My ex-husband begged me to stay with him after cheating. He told me if I ever cheated on him, he'd leave me. I was done as soon as he said that."

37 Terrible Wedding Guests Who Should've Been Uninvited
Please do not serve yourself some wedding cake BEFORE it is cut. I can't believe I have to say this.

I Made One Decision Before Marriage That Left People Wildly Uncomfortable. Here's Why I Did It.
"Friends who had known us love each other deeply for almost a decade expressed their concern... 'Whose idea was it to do this?' one gently prodded."

Be honest, how do you REALLY feel about child-free weddings?
Children make or break a wedding, depending on who you ask.

17 Divorced People Revealed Why They Regret Ending Their Marriage Years Later
"I married when I was 17, and my ex was 19. Seven years and two kids later, I decided I wanted to be free and live single. I hurt myself, my children, and my family, but most of all, my husband — he didn't deserve what I did to him. I will never forgive myself."

"I Knew It On Our Wedding Night": Married Couples Who Have Called It Quits Are Sharing The Moment They Knew Divorce Was The Only Option
"This was the beginning of when I resolved to leave him. The moment is etched in my memory."

"Maybe I Could Have Prevented That": Divorced Men Are Sharing Their Biggest Regrets From Their Failed Marriages
"I wish I had truly listened to her because she just wanted to be heard."

22 Newlywed Game Questions To See How Well You And Your S.O. Really Know Each Other
Get those scorecards ready!

I Have Been Married For 12 Years, And I'm Still Not Sure Marriage Is For Me
"Growing up, especially as a girl, getting married seemed to be one of those things expected of me."

I Hate To Say It, But These Might Be The 27 Tackiest Weddings I've Ever Seen
If any aspect of your wedding is Donald Trump-themed, I'm side-eyeing you.

"DO NOT TALK TO THE BRIDE AT ALL" And 26 More Wildly Entitled Requests And Complaints From Bride And Groomzilla
"Other gems included: several tasteless cash grabs and no electronics on the threat of being asked to leave so that the couple could enjoy exclusive content for their failed YouTube channel."

25 Gorgeous Dresses From Target To Wear To Your Next Fall Wedding
Fall in love with these stylish fall dresses.

Older Adults Who Never Got Married Are Revealing The Unexpected "Truths" About What Their Lives Are Actually Like
"I'm 45, and at first, I didn't choose to be single with no kids. However, after multiple decades of trying to fit into that 'nuclear family' mode, I realized that some people are just meant to be on their own."

"Papa" Officiated Millie Bobby Brown's Wedding, And 10 More Celebrities Who Officiated At Their Costar's Weddings
Sex Education star Connor Swindells married Peaky Blinders' Amber Anderson earlier this month. Connor's onscreen father, Alistair Petrie, officiated their wedding in Scotland.

"They Got Remarried A Few Years Later But Never Lived Together Again:" 16 Unpredictable Stories By People Who Got Remarried To The Same Person They Once Divorced
"When I was around 10, things didn’t work out, and my dad divorced his second wife. A few years later, he realized I needed a mother figure, so he called his first wife up, and the next thing I knew, I had a stepmom."

Throw An Expensive Wedding Celebration And I'll Tell You Where To Honeymoon
I hear wedding bells! 💕

Since Nowadays Everyone Has Their "Do Not Play" Lists, I Want To Know Which Taylor Swift Songs You WOULDN'T Allow At Your Wedding
"Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone!"

21 Men Who Really, Really, Reallyyyyyy Wish They Didn't Tie The Knot
"I gave into her ultimatum. She just wanted to get married — it didn't necessarily have to be me."

"I Asked For A Divorce That Night": People Are Sharing The Definitive Moment When They Knew They Wanted A Separation From Their Partner
"I had told him many times over the years that this would be the death of our relationship, and I was right."

Plan Your Dream Wedding And I'll Tell You What Sign You Are
Welcome fire, water, air, and let's not forget, earth!

26 Brides And Grooms Who Forgot Everything They Knew About Human Decency Once They Started Planning Their Wedding
"I noticed when my bridesmaid turned her head that she's got quite a number of gray hairs. I mentioned this to her and suggested dyeing it before my big day. She refused. It's really unsightly, and I'm worried it's going to take away from the beauty of the dress I chose for her."

17 People Are Sharing The Overpriced Items They No Longer Can Afford
"It is so stupidly expensive to buy this right now. Even if I just need a small list, specifically for the dinner I’m making that evening, it’s always $50–$75. I feel like in the past few years, this has skyrocketed."

You're Either 100% Sunshine Or 100% Midnight Rain — Plan A Wedding To Find Out!
"He was sunshine, I was midnight rain."

20 Newlywed Couples Who Broke Up Immediately After The Wedding
"If someone shows you who they are, believe them."

She Refused To Fund Her Sister's Wedding After Being Body Shamed, And Honestly, I Respect Her Choice
"My parents are saying I should just let it go and help her since 'that’s what sisters do,' but I feel like she crossed a line."

This Jeweler Says Your "Trendy" Engagement Ring Might Not Stand The Test Of Time — Here Are The Styles She's Warning People Against
"While they're really, really pretty, they are not durable at all."

19 Times Celebrities Rewore, Repurposed, Or Recreated Their Wedding Looks
Brooke Shields lent her first wedding dress to her daughter for another special day!

17 Screenshots Of The Most Outrageous Demands Entitled Brides Made For Their Wedding
Imagine having to sign a contract to be in a wedding party. 🙄

Aww, Rebel Wilson And Ramona Agruma Reportedly Got Married This Weekend
Congrats to them!

27 Wedding Guest Dresses From Amazon That’ll Look Gorgeous At Your Friends’ Fall Weddings
And don't worry, we've got something to suit every dress code.

20 Red Flag Wedding Moments That Immediately Signaled The Marriage Would NEVER Last
"At one point during the reception, I’m taking shots with the bride, and I tell her how much fun I’m having and that she looks beautiful in her dress. She then whispers in my ear to meet her in the bridal suite in fifteen minutes. They didn’t last longer than a year..."

People Are Sharing The Worst Things That Happened To Them As Bridesmaids, And I Literally Have No Words
"I was asked to be a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding and then was uninvited. I was told by a mutual friend, 'Yeah, [bride] wanted me to tell you that you aren't in the wedding anymore. She doesn't think you're pretty enough and wants good photos, but she would love it if you were the guestbook girl!'"

Lana Del Rey's Swampside Wedding Ceremony Has A Deeply "Special" Meaning To Her And Partner Jeremy Dufrene
The surprise news of their wedding came yesterday, just a day after reports emerged claiming the Honeymoon singer had obtained a marriage license.

Here's What's Going On With The Photos Of Lana Del Rey Seemingly Marrying Swamp Boat Captain Jeremy Dufrene
The wedding appears to have taken place in the same spot Jeremy does his swamp tours.

What's Your Soulmate's First Initial? Host A Bougie Wedding To Find Out
I'll be impressed if you can spend less thank $100K!!! 👀

This Woman Accepted A "Shut Up Ring," And She's Sharing Her Story So You Don't Make The Same Mistake
"If you feel like you’re being pacified rather than truly loved and valued, don’t ignore it." —@monicamillington

Divorced Men Are Confessing The Hardest "Realities" Of Divorce That More People Should Know, And It's Gut-Wrenching
"I was very as much in love in year 24 as I was in year one. The ending was sudden and a surprise. While I don't want to be married to someone who says they don't love me anymore, the divorce was literally the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life."

This Wild Story About A Maid Of Honor Skipping Out On Her Friend's Wedding Is A Perfect Example Of How Pushing Somebody Too Far Can Have Real Consequences
I now pronounce you...full of wedding drama.