
This Is How Pete Davidson Reacted When A Fan Joked About Mac Miller's Death At His Comedy Show
"I'll leave, so if you want the show to continue, call out the person who did it."

This Badass Gymnast Killed Her Latest Floor Routine And Has The Internet Completely Mesmerized
"The ground is no place for a champion."

People Are Changing Their Minds About Taylor Swift After Watching Her Netflix Special And Honestly, It's About Time
Welcome to the fandom, new Swifties.

Jameela Jamil Is Not Holding Back After Cardi B Responded To Her Detox Tea Comments
Jameela also responded to Cardi's comments before calling out Iggy Azalea and Perez Hilton.

Eat Your Way Through The UK And We'll Tell You Which Word Sums Up Your Personality
It all depends on which biscuit you dunk in your tea.

We Know How Trendy You Are Based Off How Many Of These Things You Like
Do you love trends or prefer to do your own thing?

19 Questions I Have About "The Devil Wears Prada" Every Time I Watch It As An Adult
Why did Andy throw away that perfectly good steak?

People Are Emotional Because Rihanna Released A Lingerie Line And It's Inclusive AF
"I can finally buy a nude that matches my skin tone."

18 Times Women Were The Most Supportive People On The Planet
Women supporting women >>>> anything else.

Everyone Is A Combination Of Two Desserts – What's Yours?
Whatever you get, the results will be pretty sweet.

Design A Café And We'll Reveal How Basic Your Style Is
Exposed brick or copper crockery?

These 7 Questions Will Reveal Which Marvel Character Actually Matches Your Personality
"I. Am. GROOT!" – Possibly you after taking this quiz.

18 Times Women Were Sassy AF On The Internet
"Men will literally nut 45 seconds into sex and have the audacity to ask if you came. Yeah I came to the wrong house."

19 Times Women Had The Perfect Response To People's Bullshit
When my aunt was in her late 20s people used to rudely ask her “Why aren’t you married yet?” and she’d reply “Just lucky, I guess.”

Your Least Favourite Foods Will Reveal What People Really Like About You
What's worse – mayonnaise or mustard?

Using A Picture Of The Last Scene, Can You Guess These 16 Movies?
Come on, you know all of these, I know you do!

People Can't Deal With How Hot Woody From "The Suite Life On Deck" Is Now And His Response Was Heartwarming
"Whatever happened to Woody from the suite life?"

What % High Maintenance Are You Based On Your Morning Routine?
Do you like things to be ~just so~?

13 Photos That Will Piss Off All Foodies, Then 13 More To Chill Them Out Again
Don't worry, each shot has a chaser.

What Sort Of Person Should You Actually Date?
What kind of person should you really be on the lookout for?

I’m A Woman Who Got Ridiculously Strong And Lean In 12 Weeks
I lost, I gained, and I won.

22 Crazy Facts You Probably Didn't Know About The Harry Potter Movies
From improvised lines and stolen props to cool, subtle costume details.

Are You More British Or American When It Comes To Your Taste In Food?
What side of the pond do your tastebuds belong on?

This Little Girl Cried Meeting Gal Gadot And It's Proof Representation Matters
The little girl burst into tears when confronted with her idol at San Diego Comic-Con – and Gal Gadot's reaction was completely adorable.

Only People Who Are Actually Best Friends Have Done 27/39 Of These Things
The truest test of friendship.

29 Badass Tattoos That Will Inspire Every Feminist
Nevertheless, she got some badass ink.

Are You More Kinky, Vanilla, Or Somewhere In Between?
How far are you willing to go?

You Guys, This Is Why Kim Kardashian West Is Using A Surrogate
No, it's not because of vanity or wanting to "keep her body" – she could literally die if she carried another baby herself.

22 Brutally Honest Confessions From An Optometrist
Yes, you can get pubic lice in your eyelashes. And no, it's not pretty.

19 Reasons Why Festivals Are Shit
Why do we lie to ourselves every single year and think they'll be a good experience?

Miley Cyrus Talks About The Reason Behind Her Decision To Quit Drugs
"It's like, no one's ever died from weed, but no one's ever smoked as much as I did."

Can You Actually Do Division?
No calculators allowed.

We Know Whether You're An Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert Based On The Meals You Order
Your food combinations reveal a lot about you.

Order An Expensive Meal And We'll Tell You The Age Of Your Soul
Find out what your expensive taste means.

Can You Name 50 Countries In Three Minutes?
Get ready to suddenly forget everything you've ever known.

61 Interesting Things You Might Not Know About "The Office"
Jim and Pam were supposed to be an interracial couple.

18 Tiny But Brilliant Inventions That've Made The World A Little Bit Better
Never again will you have to miss the movie when you need to take a piss.

Pretend To Buy Things From Amazon And We'll Reveal Your Age
Your basket says it all.

Brie Larson Didn't Applaud Casey Affleck When He Won His Oscar
This is the second time this awards season that Larson, an advocate for sexual assault survivors, has presented Affleck with an award.

This Colour Test Will Reveal Your Current Mood
Are you feeling blue?

This Food Test Will Determine Which City You Actually Belong In
Let your taste be your guide.

People Are Loving Chrissy Teigen's Savage Clapback To Donald Trump
"What time should we call your Uber?"

This Sorting Quiz Will Tell You Which Hogwarts House You Truly Belong In
There's nothing hidden in your head this sorting quiz can't see.

This Font Quiz Will Reveal Your Secret Desires
We can read between the lines.

You Need To See J.K. Rowling's Incredible Responses To These Twitter Trolls
"I've still got your money, so by all means borrow my lighter."

This Instinct Test Will Reveal Your Current Mood
Let your instincts guide the way.

This Picture Test Will Reveal Your Deepest Fear
What are you really scared of?

Literally Just 28 Photos Of Dogs Protesting Donald Trump
"I will piss on your wall."

OK Yes Disney Is Great And Everything But DreamWorks Is Where It's At
Shark Tale aka an iconic movie that nobody seems to respect.

Supermodel Ashley Graham Shared A Photo Of Her Cellulite With A Perfect Message
"I love the skin I'm in. And I'm not ashamed of a few lumps, bumps, or cellulite."

23 Things Tumblr Has Thought About The Weasley Family
If you ever feel bad about yourself, remember that Arthur would be absolutely obsessed with you.

Build An Outfit And We'll Reveal A Truth About You
What you wear on the outside will tells us about you on the inside.

24 Times The World Was Almost Too Damn Clever
A reminder that people are, occasionally, brilliant.

21 Tumblr Posts That Prove Hermione Is The Best Character In Harry Potter
♫ She's beauty, she's grace, she punched Malfoy in the face... ♫

What % Emotional And What % Logical Are You?
Do you listen to your brain or let your heart lead the way?

Create A Sandwich And We'll Reveal A Deep Truth About You
The bread knows all.

Are You Warm-Hearted Or A Cold, Hard Bitch?
Are you approachable or aloof?

Diego Luna Shared An Emotional "Star Wars" Fan Story And It's Got An Important Message
"Representation matters." Yes. it. does.

This Guy Putting His Sleeping Girlfriend's Bonnet On Is What True Love Looks Like
AJ Woodson told BuzzFeed News: "It’s the small stuff that matters the most."

Can We Guess Your Favourite Dessert?
Are you more about crème brûlée or cheesecake?

Order A Meal And We'll Tell You The Age Of Your Soul
Are you wise beyond your years?

What % Cat Person And What % Dog Person Are You?
We're all winners here.

Billie Joe Armstrong Talked About Donald Trump At The EMAs
"Our entire country is about to have one collective heart attack."

This Is How Harry Potter Has Actually Changed Lives
"Harry Potter gave me a friend when I felt like I had none."

A Glorious Hashtag Is Being Used To Celebrate Black Women's Excellence
#BlackWomenDidThat pays homage to black girl magic throughout history.

These Female Characters Will Make You Fucking Proud To Be A Woman
Because girl power is everything.

28 Secrets Tattoo Artists Will Never Tell You
It's not exactly the rock 'n' roll lifestyle everyone thinks it is.

33 Mindblowing Documentaries You Can Watch On Netflix Right Now
Stop skipping over these amazing Netflix documentaries.

Can You Pass This Maths SAT Test For 6-Year-Olds?
Parents are taking their kids out of schools because they say the test is too stressful. Can you pass it?

Jamelia Shut Down Piers Morgan Over "Offensive" Column On Beyoncé's "Lemonade"
"You are a middle aged, British white man, you have no idea, I repeat, NO. IDEA. What it is like to be a black woman," the singer wrote.

Can You Get More Than 75% In This Harry Potter Quiz?
Wands at the ready.

What Set Should You Be In For GCSE Science?
Not everyone can be in the top set, soz.

Only A True "Friends" Fan Can Get More Than 15/20 In This Quiz
Don't worry, you won't need to know Chandler Bing's job.

“Crème De La Crème” Is Not In The Spirit Of "Bake Off"
There are many things in this show to offend anyone who watches regular Bake Off. Hold my hand and let's try to get through this together.

Adele Used Her Brits Acceptance Speech To Support Kesha
She took the opportunity during her acceptance speech to speak out for Kesha.

21 Food Truths That Only British People Will Understand
Cadbury > Hershey's.

This Woman Is Taking A Stand Against People Who Say Mental Illness Is Fake
An article in the Sydney Morning Herald gave advice to employers on how to spot an employee who might be "faking" their mental illness. Writer Anna Spargo-Ryan decided to take a stand.

Can You Help People Find This Kid So They Can Give Him A Real Messi Shirt
A kid, who is said to be from a war-torn town in Iraq, was pictured wearing a plastic bag with "Messi" written on it.

Amy Schumer Perfectly Shut Down A Film Critic For His Sexist Comment
"I get it. Cause I'm a whore? Glad I took a photo with you."

This Test Will Work Out If You're A British '90s Or '00s Kid
Salt & Shake or Wotsits? Crazy Bones or pogs?

Adele Has Revealed That She Really, Really Wants To Duet With Beyoncé
"How am I supposed to write a real record if I’m waiting for half a million likes on a fucking photo? That ain’t real."

27 Perfectly Magical Gifts For The Hermione Granger In Your Life
If you can't get a ~real~ Hogwarts letter, these things will do...

What Does Your Crayola Colour Name Say About You?
Do you stay within the lines or are you outside of the box?

18 Tips To Bring Your Colouring To The Next Level
Pencils at the ready.

A Gay Man Wrote This Heartbreaking Letter To His Parents When They Didn't Come To His Wedding
Journalist Patrick Bradley wrote: "What you both have done is shameful. You've torn a family apart." H/T:

Can You Spot The Real Disney Character From The Fake?
Can you choose between the real Disney character and the very similar impostor?

18 Things Japan Has That The Rest Of The World Desperately Needs
Just so you know, most of this article will be about toilets and train stations.

How Well Do You Really Know NFL Team Logos?
We've messed with each of the 32 teams' primary logos a little bit, but can you pick out the real from the fake?

17 Questions That Are Impossible For “Game Of Thrones” Fans To Answer
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."

This Woman Protested Against The "Tampon Tax" By Free-Bleeding Outside Parliament
Charlie Edge wanted to show just how necessary menstrual products are.

Let's All Take A Moment To Appreciate The Uncontested Queen That Is Julie Andrews
Happy 80th birthday, Dame Julie!

This Grandma Had The Best Reaction To Taylor Swift Bringing Mick Jagger Out Onstage
It's not just teenagers who know how to fangirl.

36 Backstage Celebrity Instagrams From The Emmys
So many glam squads, so much popcorn.

17 Websites To Visit When You're Bored Out Of Your Mind
Let's waste some time, together.

19 Incredibly Important Reasons You Should Watch The Rugby World Cup
Do you need a touch judge?

Tom Hardy Totally Shut Down A Reporter When He Mentioned His Sexuality
"What on earth are you on about?"

21 Times Idris Elba Gave You Life
In honour of his 43rd birthday. HBD, Idris!

17 Things Anyone Who Owned A PS1 Will Remember
8MB memory was just never enough.

129 Of The Most Beautiful Shots In Movie History
A visual essay on spectacular cinematography.