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My name is Maxime and I have a story to tell you, a story about how Shivabuzz.com , saved me.

First you have to know that this is not a publicity stunt. Everything that is written is true, and I’m doing this on my own. Why am I taking the time to write this letter..? Of course to thanks Shiva buzz, but they are other reasons. The first one is that people must know about Shiva Buzz and his owner Jimmy. Why? Because of his wish to help those who suffer, the best he can. It’s not every day, that we see a man, a businessman, who sees himself in other people. In other words, he “feels” the suffering in the other person, well, that’s how I see him. This is real Empathy and Compassion here, and we don’t see that often enough. That’s for the first reason. Now my story...

Recently, because of unexpected events concerning my health, I did not contact shivabuzz.com  since the last 2 months, for my medicine( I’m suffering of chronic pain) because now, all of my money is going to big pharma. For treating my diabetes.( Buying blood test stripes, 4 boxes a month, at 92$ per box ! ) The government insurance has stop paying those (now there is a limit of 3000 test stripes per year paid by the gov... long story). After 2 months without any purchase at Shiva, worried...? Jimmy, the owner of Shiva, contacted me by e-mail, asking me if everything was ok. (wow!) Here I must stop to tell you that; A couples of days before he contacted me...I had no life anymore... only worries, pain, and I was exhausted... Suicide began to seem my only way to end all of this physical and mental suffering. The diabetes (sugar blood level gone wild) the pain (a diabetic neuropathy, it gives me sensations of intense burning in the hands and feet, sometimes for minutes, others for hours, those times I wish they had cut off my hand and feet) But I did not talk about my suicidal thoughts to Jimmy, I just mentioned a kind of depression, I told him my story with more details like, now that I don’t have cannabis to treat my pain I had to go back with a lot of Dilaudid 35 mg per day. (5 times stronger than morphine) It is less effective than cannabis, it’s addictive, and it changes my moods, my energy, my joie de vivre is gone with that sh...t .

Dilaudid kills maybe 40 to 50% of the pain, cannabis 70 to 90% with concentrates. So; after telling all that, and more to Jimmy, he kindly offered me to pay for my medicine the time I get back on my feet. 1 Week later I received 5 grams of shatter of an amazing quality! For Free! To help me with this awful pain. My friends... I was flabbergasted. . Even more incredible...I almost don’t know him, except that I’m a new regular customer and we exchanged a little by e-mails and that’s it. (During those times of exchanges, I sent him a proof of my opïoids prescription and the huge amount of it, by telling him that cannabis was allowing me to reduce and even stop taking opïoids, these slow killers.) Here you have to remember that this is not a publicity and I’m doing this on my own. We can clearly see the vocation of the man behind Shiva buzz. A dispensary with a mission of compassion, helping others with their diseases: Chronic pain, PTSD,

March 19 2019

sleeping disorder, depression etc . Of course a doctor’s note is always better. They sell quality product at the lowest prices I’ve seen on the net. Of course they have plenty of choice for recreational cannabis, but is in it reassuring to have a real Dispensary where greed and profit is not the first motivation. I think Shiva buzz and his mission should receive our gratitude admiration and support...Well, they have mine for sure.

Thanks to Jimmy and Shivabuzz.com  Maxime Lefebvre
Québec, Canada.

Conditions for which Cannabis may be an effective treatment